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April 26, 1961

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 325 of the April 26, 1961, Meeting of the CPSU CC Presidium, 'On the Further Commemoration and Popularization of the First Flight of a Soviet Man in Space'

Presidium (or Politburo) decree on publicity for the flight of Yuriy Gagarin.

April 13, 1961

Questions to Yu. A. Gagarin and Answers of Yu. A. Gagarin (During the State Commission Session of 13.04.1961)

Transcript of the State Commission’s interview with Yuriy Gagarin after his mission.

April 13, 1961

Top Secret Report of Major Yuri Gagarin

Full Report of Yury Gagarin to the State Commission after his mission, on April 13, 1961.

April 11, 1961

Transcribed Notes Dictated by Nikita Khrushchev while at Pitsunda on the Eve of Gagarin’s Flight

Transcribed notes dictated by Nikita Khrushchev while at Pitsunda on the eve of Gagarin’s flight, on April 11, 1961.

April 3, 1961

Excerpt from Ninutes Nº 322 of the CC Presidium of April 3, 1961, 'On the Launch of the Satellite-ship'

Final Presidium (or Politburo) decree, entitled “On the Launch of a Space Satellite-Ship,” approving the launch of a spaceship with a human on board.

March 30, 1961

Report from D. Ustinov et al to the CPSU CC regarding the Preparation and Launch of a Manned Spacecraft

Memo from representatives of industry, the scientific community, the armed forces, the KGB, and the space designer community to the Central Committee report on final preparations for piloted spaceflight and asking for permission to launch a spaceship with a human on board.

March 24, 1961

Report from D. Ustinov et al to the CPSU CC on Preparations to Launch the Vostok-3A

Report to Central Committee from industrial leaders, military leaders, scientists, and designers on preparations to launch a final automated test flight before actual piloted spaceflight.

October 11, 1960

Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers on the Object Vostok-3A

Decree issued by the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers entitled “On the Object Vostok-3A” approving the plan to carry out a human spaceflight in December 1960.

September 10, 1960

Proposal from D. Ustinov et al to the CPSU CC on Human Spaceflight

Formal proposal to Central Committee from a group of industrial leaders, military officials, scientists, and designers to carry out the first human spaceflight by December 1960.

August 3, 1960

Decree from N.S. Khrushchev and M. Smirtyukov on Cosmonaut Training Center

USSR Council of Ministers Decree entitled “The Preparation of a Manned Spaceflight,” approved full-on preparations for a human spaceflight.
