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November 21, 1980

Department of State Briefing Paper, 'US-Japanese Negotiations on the Tokai-Mura Reprocessing Facility'

The briefing paper describes the Japanese government's reprocessing ability and desire to build the second reprocessing plant to fuel experimental breeder reactor. The State Department wants to resolve safeguards requirements for reprocessing in Japan but agrees that an interim agreement could be reached.

November 3, 1979

Memorandum by C.U.D., 'Observations on Our Differences with the West Europeans Over Non-Proliferation'

The memorandum describes a difference between President Carter and the West Europeans over their commitment to limiting reprocessing and plutonium supplies for R&D work on breeder reactors.

June 18, 1968

India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Research and Development Programme of the Department of Atomic Energy During the IVth Plan Period'

Research objectives for the Indian nuclear program include the development of fast breeder reactors and isotope production.

June 14, 1968

India Department of Atomic Energy, 'Note on the Development of Fast Breeder Reactor'

Information on research and development work on breeder reactors in India.

January 20, 1994

Phone Interview with Edwin Kintner by Avner Cohen and Marvin Miller

Transcript of a phone interview with Edwin Kintner by Avner Cohen and Marvin Miller. Edwin Kintner (1920-2010) was a distinguished nuclear engineer and senior staff member of the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) through the 1960s and 70s who participated in at least two US inspection teams sent to the Dimona nuclear facility. Kintner recounts how thoroughly he and his partners searched the Dimona site for evidence of plutonium reprocessing activities and expresses shock upon learning that he and his team had been fooled all along.