Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
Southeast Asia
South Asia
1898- 1976
1893- 1976
1922- 2012
1889- 1964
1901- 1984
June 30, 1975
Zhou and Kukrit Pramoj discuss Sino-Thai relations and the overseas Chinese in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
August 24, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 24 August 1991 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Cambodia, Lebanon, France, El Salvador, South Africa, China and Iran.
September 22, 1957
Minister Kim briefs Mrs. Rhee on the budget expense of the Korean legation.
November 30, 1962
Huang Zhen and Sihanouk discus the Sino-Indian dispute, an international conference on Cambodian neutrality and territorial integrity and the boundary issue between Cambodia and Thailand and South Vietnam
October 21, 1954
Zhou and Nehru discuss developments in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Zhou Enlai and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, as well as China and India's views toward Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
November 29, 1957
Choi Duk Shin reports on Japanese Premier Kishi's travels in Southeast Asia, the current situations in Thailand and Laos, and Malaya's fright against communism.
January 4, 1957
Choi Duk Shin reports on recent South Vietnamese affairs, including the election of Vice-President Nguyen-Ngoc Tho, and the current political environment of South East Asian countries.
April 24, 1961
April 23, 1961