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July 5, 1961

Record of a Conversation between N. S. Khrushchev and Chen Yi, Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

Chen asks Khrushchev to go over the pressing international issues and he presents the USSR's stances on the situation in Laos, South Korea, and Cuba. Khrushchev also raises problems in GDR and difficulties in negotiations with Western powers with regards to the German question. Khrushchev also mentions Soviet plans to launch a spaceship and resume nuclear testing. The two leaders also discuss the challenges of agricultural development.

July 19, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 19 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 19 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Germanys, the Soviet Union, Iraq, Spain, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

September 3, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of a Conversation with Cuban Minister of Industry, Ernesto Guevara, 26 June 1964

Guevara discusses plans for malt production in Cuba, requiring a mill installation. This was going to be constructed in collaboration with the GDR, but plans have been delayed.

March 16, 1962

Hungarian Embassy in Havana (Beck), Report on the Federal Republic of Germany and Cuba

Ambassador János Beck reports on diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and Cuba. Beck speculates that FRG does intelligence work for departed Americans. Central to Beck’s report is the fact that Cuba wants to preserve diplomatic relations with as many countries as possible. Relevant is the Hallstein principle and the presence of FRG diplomats and German Democratic Republic’s Political Commission. (There are two self-governing and independent German states in Cuba.)

November 25, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Note on a Conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport'

SED CC Department of International Relations writes this note on a conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport with Com. Egon Winkelmann. They discuss foreign relations between Cuba and the GDR.

November 27, 1968

Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968

A Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968 about Cuba's foreign relations with various countries, including the Soviet Union and GDR.

January 31, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Information on the Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and on the Attacks of the Cuban Communist Party against the Socialist Unity Party of Germany'

The 3rd Plenum of the Cuban Communist Party took place in Havana on 24-26 January 1968. During the Plenum the decision of the Politburo of the CC was announced not to participate in the consultative meeting in Budapest. Fidel Castro held a 12-hour long speech.

October 26, 1962

Telegram from East German Ambassador, Moscow, to East German Secretary of State (First Deputy Foreign Minister) Otto Winzer

The East German Ambassador in Moscow, Rudolf Dölling, writes to the East German Secretary of State (First Deputy Foreign Minister), Otto Winzer, about several diplomatic meetings that have been held concerning US-Cuban relations and tensions. One of these meetings is between several Eastern European countries: East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, USSR, Romania and Czechoslovakia.

October 23, 1962

Record of Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) Central Committee Politburo Meeting

A meeting between the Politburo members of the East German Central Committee (CC GDR) concerning US imperialist actions against Cuba, meaning the economic sanctions and blockade. The GDR Politburo members express their strong support of Cuba.

March 3, 1986

Record of the meeting on 3 March 1986 between Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro

Record of the meeting on March 8, 1986 between Honecker and Castro. Topics include plans to celebrate the impending 40th anniversary of the GDR, the Cuban government's relations with the Catholic Church, the arms race, U.S. imperialism and importing/exporting of Cuban goods.
