Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Middle East
1908- 1985
November 25, 1948
Note from Afif al-Tabibi that he received payment.
August 16, 1949
Conversation between a police intelligence officer and the Journalist informer [regarding Chehab].
February 9, 1949
Letter about the establishment of an intelligence office with a list of relevant names.
August 15, 1949
Said Abdulla Kamala leaves for Yugoslavia to interrogate Victor Vidmar.
July 29, 1949
Nicola Kinjevich builds a relationship with Alexei Zanvirov to learn secrets of his work with the Russians.
July 25, 1949
Artin Bagdasarov and Boris Marijanac have a series of suspicious meetings, and Chehab is determined to discover their purpose.
July 14, 1949
Klary Svokolov, a musician, is a Russian agent reporting on nightclub goers.