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May 10, 1988

Minutes of the Meeting between Kim Il Sung, Secretary General of the Korean Workers Party, and Comrade Günter Schabowski in Pyongyang on 10 May 1988

Kim Il Sung apologizes for the North Korean trade shortfall and informed Schabowski of major flooding in 1986 and 1987. There was also talk of the approaching 13th World Games of Youth and Students.

January 19, 1956

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK V. I. Ivanov for 19 January 1956

On behalf of the North Korean government, Nam Il requests Ivanov and Deputy Trade Representative that the USSR supply more material aid to ore mining enterprises in the DPRK.

January 7, 1956

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK V. I. Ivanov for 7 January 1956

Ivanov, Counsellor Petrov, and Pak Chang-ok meet Ippolitov, instructor of the technological institute. Ippolitov points out that North Korea’s ore mining industry is suffering from serious underutilization.

December 23, 1955

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK V. I. Ivanov for 23 December 1955

Ivanov meets with GDR Ambassador Richard Fischer, who reports although GDR Prime Minister Otto Grotewohl and Kim Il Sung have spoken about strengthening GDR-DPRK relations, East Germany is currently unable to supply further material aid to the DPRK.

January 20, 1978

TELEGRAM 066.519 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on the planned visit of an East German delegation to Pyongyang.

June 12, 1960

The Economic and Political Situation of the DPRK

The memorandum elaborates on the rapid economic growth and development in domestic policies in the DPRK after the Korean War.

February 6, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 6 February 1960

Czechoslovak Ambassador Stanislav Kohousek and Puzanov discuss some peculiarities of North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

August 28, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 28-30 August 1957

The PRC Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang invited a Soviet delegation to the Chinese People's Volunteers headquarters where they honor deceased Chinese People's Volunteers and Mao Zedong's son. On the second day, they visit the DPRK's largest gold mine. Puzanov gives a detailed account of the mine's production capability and the training and services provided for mine workers.

August 10, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 10 August 1957

Kim Il Sung and Puzanov discuss the use of corn for livestock feed, the need to mechanize DPRK agriculture, the city of Nampo and its industrial capabilities, and the startup of zinc production through Soviet aid in the non-ferrous metals industry.

August 7, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 7 August 1957

Puzanov and a KWP CC official discuss aid to Vietnam, the DPRK's efforts to overfulfill the targets of the economic plan, North Korea's nonferrous metal industry, and the DPRK's enhanced technical capabilities.
