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June 1988

East German Ministry for State Security, 'On the Position of the Army in the Political System of Ethiopia

Excerpt of a Stasi report on the Ethiopian army. This portion of the report deals with the Army’s dissatisfaction with the quality of the Soviet Union’s armaments; the East German material ponders how much of this is part of anti-Soviet sentiment, and how much is due to their professional incapacity.

August 18, 1981

Telegram from Czechoslovak Embassy in Addis Ababa

Prague’s representation to Addis Ababa offers an insight into the Soviet Union’s economic assistance toward Ethiopia in the early 1980s, while voicing, at the same time, the Soviet economic delegation’s nuanced and candid impression of Mengistu’s abilities to control the course of the revolutionary transformations.

January 16, 1978

British Foreign Office, 'Soviet Role in the Horn of Africa'

Drawing upon British concerns with respect to their possible reaction to Moscow’s support for Ethiopia against Somalia’s aggression, the Foreign Office Planning Staff looks into the wider international implications of the conflict in the Horn.

September 2, 1977

Message from Yugolav Embassy Addis Ababa, 'The Soviet Ambassador on the Ethiopian-Soviet Relations'

A detailed view of Soviet reactions toward the Ethiopian-Somali conflict as of early September 1977, showing Moscow’s envoy to Addis Ababa’s conviction that Ethiopia would emerge victorious from the war. However, this document also gives a somewhat critical view on the part of Yugoslav’s diplomat regarding the Soviets’ unofficial and unsuccessful attempt to persuade Ethiopia to surrender part of Ogaden in order to appease the Somalis.

March 1977

Cuban Intelligence Report on Ethiopia, 'Síntesis analítica sobre la revolución etiopica. Proposiciones'

Intelligence report on the situation in Ethiopia.

November 25, 1980

Hungarian Embassy in Ethiopia, Telegram, 25 November 1980. Subject: DPRK-Ethiopian relations.

The status of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and North Korea are discussed in this telegram. The then-recent Somali-Ethiopian conflict is brought up, and there is evident misgiving on Ethiopia's part regarding North Korean relations with Somalia.

November 29, 1977

Letter, Erich Honecker to the General Secretary of the People's Congress of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi

Honecker thanks Qaddafi for his contributions to the cause of the movement of progressive states in the Middle East and the defense against imperialism and Zionism. He expresses concern about the conflict in the Horn of Africa region and wants to arrange a meeting of GDR representative Werner Lamberz with Qaddafi in Tripoli. Further proposed topics for this meeting include talks with representatives of the Palestinian revolution and the continuing development of East German-Libyan relations. (There is a telegram from 1 December 1977 signed by Hermann Axen that refers to this meeting.)

July 11, 1978

Political Letter of Soviet Ambassador to the United States Anatoly F. Dobrynin

August 11, 1977

Ethiopian Aide-Memoire to Soviet Officials in Moscow

Ethiopian aide-memoire proposing grounds to end hostilities with Somalia.

September 5, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Mengistu

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Mengistu regarding fighting between Ethiopian and Somali forces and Ethiopia’s support of the People’s Independent Movement in Djibouti
