January 16, 1963
Diary Entry of Amintore Fanfani for 16 January 1963
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
16 gennaio
Alle 11 con solenne cerimonia politico – militare ricevimento alla Casa Bianca. Dopo la rivista ed il ricambio di saluti, colloquio riservato con Kennedy, principalmente sul ritiro dei Jupiter dall’Italia. Conferma la lettera di Mac Namara. Chiedo le condizioni. Le enumera: 1°aprile, e sostituzione con sottomarini Polaris americani; a Verona Sargent al posto di Corporal. Dico di voler riflettere e parlare prima con Mac Namara. Il che faccio dalle 17 alle 18, osservando che gli Jupiter possono eventualmente essere utilizzati per lanci spaziali; e i nostri specialisti possono essere utilizzati nella SETAF a Verona. Fermo sul 1° aprile, anche perché per tale data il governo Kennedy deve aver dimostrato al Congresso di aver eliminato spese superflue, come quella dei sorpassati Jupiter.
Kennedy e Mac Namara escludono di aver trattato con URSS ritiro nostre basi. Dicono però che temettero il 28 ottobre venissero bombardate, provocando la ritorsione nucleare USA.
Con Kennedy e la Signora, prima di colazione, si combina una visita in Italia per la primavera.
Colazione alla Casa Bianca. Kennedy in conversazioni private e nel brindisi interessato e non preoccupato del centro – sinistra.
Colloquio con Rusk conferma quanto comunicatomi ieri da Kruscev: si tratta per la tregua nucleare. Incoraggio a concludere anche senza l’aviazione francese o cinese.
16th January
At 11 a.m., with a solemn political -military ceremony, reception at the White House. After the review and exchange of greetings, a confidential conversation with Kennedy, mainly on the withdrawal of the Jupiters from Italy. Confirms McNamara’s letter. I ask for the conditions. He lists them: April 1, and replacement by American Polaris submarines; in Verona Sergeant in place of Corporal.
I say I want to reflect and talk to McNamara first. Which I do from 5 to 6 pm, noting that the Jupiters can eventually be used for space launches; and our specialists can be used in SETAF [Southern European Task Force] in Verona. Firm on April 1st, also because by that date the Kennedy government must have demonstrated to Congress that it had eliminated superfluous expenses, such as that of the outdated Jupiters.
Kennedy and McNamara rule out having negotiated with the USSR withdrawing our bases. But they say they feared October 28 they would be bombed, causing US nuclear retaliation.
Meeting with Kennedy and the 1st Lady before lunch, a visit to Italy is confirmed for the spring.
Lunch at the White House. Kennedy in private conversations and in the toast, interested and unconcerned about the center – left [coalition].
An interview with Rusk confirms what Khrushchev communicated to me yesterday: they are negotiating a nuclear truce. I encourage to conclude [the test ban treaty] even without French or Chinese air forces (sic).
Fanfani covered the events of the day in this journal entry, noting that he told Kennedy he would make no commitment on the Jupiter-Polaris replacement until he spoke with McNamara. With McNamara, Fanfani emphasized the point about using the Jupiter base for space launches. Both Kennedy and McNamara denied that there was a trade with the USSR, with McNamara emphasizing the risks posed by the Jupiters during the Missile Crisis.
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