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September 20, 1970

Discussion between Ambassador Wang Youping and Pham Van Dong



Beijing, 20 September 1970



Ambassador: Premier Zhou would like to know as soon as possible Vietnam’s position on the following points:


1.  Will North Vietnam recognize Lon Nol’s Government if it continues to negotiate with both North and South Vietnam?


2.  Will North Vietnam support Sihanouk or Lon Nol if war breaks out in Cambodia?


3.  Right now, based on the whole context, [how will Vietnam think if] China supports Sihanouk?


Pham Van Dong: Vietnam cannot recognize Lon Nol.  We recognize Sihanouk.  China and Vietnam are determined to support Sihanouk and support the struggle by the patriotic forces against Lon Nol.  Yes, we support Sihanouk.  China supports him, so does Vietnam.  I think that it is the time to persuade the Soviet Union and other socialist countries and others to support Sihanouk, to isolate and condemn Lon Nol [and] Sirik Matak.



[1] Wang Youping was Chinese ambassador to Vietnam from June 1969 to August 1974. He previously (from the early 1950s to late 1960s) served as Chinese ambassador to Romania, Norway, Cambodia, and Cuba, and would in the late 1970s serve as Chinese ambassador to Malaysia and the Soviet Union.

Wang Youping asks Pham Van Dong Vietnam’s position on points concerning the revolution in Cambodia.

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CWIHP Working Paper 22, "77 Conversations."


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