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April 12, 1955

Letter to the CPSU Central Committee, to A. A. Smirnov, Regarding A. F. Serabi

[CPSU CC letterhead]

[faded CPSU CC stamp:

13324 d. 201]


Nº 129s      

12 April 1955



to the CPSU CC

to Cde. A. A. SMIRNOV


In reply to your Nº 25-3-103 of 19 January we report the following:


Even before receipt of the statement of Iranian political émigré A. F. Serabi, which he sent to G. M. Malenkov, the Tauzsky Rayon Committee of the Azerbaijan CP took steps to reinstate A. F. Serabi to work in a hospital cafeteria and he has been working there as a head chef since 2 January 1955.


As Cde. Dun'yamaliyev, the Secretary of the Tauzsky Rayon Party Committee, reports in his 23 March 1955 memo, the facts described in A. F. Serabi's statement were checked in detail and appropriate measures were taken regarding them. As regards Iranian political émigrés being removed from the trading network Jami Nowruz Eypullakh ogly actually was removed from a tearoom in 1954 on 26 October 1954 for violation of the trading rules, but he has been working as a salesperson of a store at a cement plant since 31 December 1954. G. G. Navani, a store salesperson at the Tauzsky MTS [Machine-Tractor Station], was removed from work for the theft of 8,322 rubles and his case was sent to the procurator.


I. G. Muzhasinbi and Sh. A. Guliyev were removed from work for violation of the rules of Soviet trade, but now they are employed.


[signature] (M. ISKENDEROV)


Secretary of the CP CC of Azerbayjan


Three copies printed

1st - to the addressee

2nd and 3rd to file




to the archives:

The issue has been settled

Sector chief [[illegible signature]]

2?8? April 1955

V. Gorbunov 28 April 1955

[one additional illegible signature]]

This letter reports on the status of several Iranian emigrants working in Azerbaijan and addresses reports that some were removed from their positions for violating rules.

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Document Information


RGANI, f. 5, op. 28, d. 347. Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties (International Department of the Central Committee), 1953-1957, microfilm, reel 83. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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