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Iran-Soviet Relations

This collection contains Soviet documents related to Soviet-Iranian relations, Soviet interests in Iran, and Soviet support for the separatist movement in Iranian Azerbaijan. In 1946, the Soviet Union sparked the Iran crisis of 1946, also known as the Iran-Azerbaijan Crisis, by refusing to relinquish Iranian territory occupied by Soviet forces during World War II. Also see the Digital Archive collections on "The Iran/Azerbaijan Crisis, 1946," and "Iran's Tudeh Party" (Image: Stalin, Mohammad Reza Shah, and Molotov at Tehran Conference, 1943).


Popular Documents

April 12, 1946

Telegram from the CC CP of Azerbaijan to M.D. Bagirov on the Soviet-Iranian agreement

The Central Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR responds approvingly to the Soviet-Iranian agreement in which the Soviets agreed to withdraw military forces in exchange for oil concessions from Iran.

July 6, 1945

Decree of the CC CPSU Politburo to Mir Bagirov CC Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, 'Measures to Organize a Separatist Movement in Southern Azerbaijan and Other Provinces of Northern Iran'

The Soviet leadership informs the leadership of the CPAz CC of the decisions taken regarding the need to organize a separatist movement in Northern Iran. The document sets up a step by step plan to insure that the population in Northern Iran can be manipulated to declare independence and join the Azerbaijan SSR.

July 14, 1945

Secret Soviet Instructions, 'Measures to Carry out Special Assignments throughout Southern Azerbaijan and the Northern Provinces of Iran'

Soviet document with instructions on creating the Azerbaijan Democratic Party in northern Iran in an attempt to set the basis for a separatist movement.

September 5, 1946

Letter, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to Generalissimo Stalin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, expresses his belief that the talks between Stalin and Princess Ashraf Pahlavi strengthened Iranian-Soviet relations and his gratitude towards Stalin.

March 1, 1957

Resolution of the CC of the People's Party of Iran of 1 March 1957 Regarding the Events of February 1949

Following Naser Fakhr Arai's attempt to kill the Shah in February 1949, the People's Party of Iran faced accusations that it had a direct role in the assassination attempt. The NPI denied any direct role, however contends that executive committee member Kyanuri and Party official Argani were connected in the capacity that they were aware of it. The resolution seeks to explain their character of connection and their degree of responsibility.