During the Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic's visit to Pyongyang, Kim Il Sung thanks Mongolia for its support of Korea's unification and welcomes discussion on each country's economic situation. Kim Il Sung also laments North Korea's military burden, expressing distaste for American imperialism.
December 20, 1974
Record of Discussion between Foreign Ministers of North Korea and the Mongolian People’s Republic
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
The Record of Discussion between Foreign Ministers of North Korea and Mongolian People’s Republic at 20 Dec., 1974
Discussion began on 20 December 1974 at 16 hours 30 minutes at the DPRK [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] MFA. From the DPRK side deputy minister Jeon Myeong-su, head of department Choe Sang-muk, Ambassador Choe Chong-gon, deputy heads of department Pae En Je and Kim En Jeb, head of section Ho En Yon, and from the MPR side, department head of the MFA Ya. Dashnyam, Ambassador O. Tsend, acting heads of department L. Badamragchaa and B. Nachaa, particiapted in the discussions. Discussion was conducted in Mongolian and Korean languages, with Ho En Yon and Jamyandorj translating.
According to the suggestion of comrade Heo Dam, Minister L. Rinchin was the first to speak. The discussion lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Comrade Heo Dam began his discussion at 17 hours 55 minutes and talked about the following issues:
Comrade Minister, from your information I understood well the external and the internal situation of Mongolia. We are happy that all work is proceeding well in fraternal Mongolia. Especially this year was notable for your party and people. Half a century has passed since the 3rd Congress of your party and the establishment of the MPR. This is a very historical act. We are happy that the Mongolian people have welcomed this historical anniversary, achieving great success and winning victories in every economic and cultural sphere, and we warmly congratulate [you]. Especially [we] congratulate [you] on the realization of the Five Year Plan advanced by the 16th MPRP Congress. [We] are happy that the peace-loving foreign policy of the MPR government has found support on the international stage and that [the MPR] has established many-sided relations with [different] states. We delight in the success of the Mongolian people under the leadership of the MPRP in the construction of socialism and the struggle against imperialists, for peace. We wish the Mongolian people to find even greater success in this struggle in the future.
You all know that our people face two big goals. The first is to intensify socialist construction in the northern part of the republic; the other is to remove the aggressive American troops from South Korea and to unify our own motherland independently, by peaceful means. With respect to the socialist construction in the northern part, all work is proceeding well. Our party is carrying out ideological, technical and cultural revolution put forward by comrade Kim Il Sung. In accordance with the teaching of the General Secretary of our Party Central Committee, respected dear leader Kim Il Sung, to construct socialism and communism is to capture material and ideological heights. Therefore we are paying attention to direct the main strength towards ideological revolution. Party ideology work and party unity arm the workers with Kim Il Sung’s ideas and help to unite them. We put class education at the center of ideological work, and emphasize education of workers with internationalist views. When we carry out the ideological revolution, we pay attention to providing principled, good education to workers – party members concerning party organization. Our party especially pays attention to assign all workers to some sort of an organization. This means to assign party members to the party, the youth to the youth union, industry workers to the industry union, women to the womens’ organization, and pioneer students to the pioneer organizations, in order for them to actively take part in the work of those organizations. Our party is advancing the militant motto that the public, the people and the soldiers all study. When the ideological revolution is carried out like this, all party members and all the people gain the perfect will to carry out party tasks single-mindedly under any circumstances.
There is considerable advance in the task of the technological revolution.
The main task of the technological revolutions is to carry out three revolutions, that is: to reduce the differences between heavy and light industries, and between agriculture and industry, and to liberate women from heavy work. As a result of successful realization of the goals of the three technological revolutions, there are a lot of successes in the spheres of industry, agriculture and science. This year we are implementing the 4th year of the 6 Year Plan advanced by the 5th Party Congress. At the moment it looks like the 6th Year Plan will be completed one year ahead of time, by 10 October, or before the 30th Anniversary of our Party. Now the workers of our country are aspiring to fulfill all goals in all spheres of economy by the 30th anniversary by determined work and new initiatives, by “blitzkrieg” means advanced by our Party’s Central Committee.
At the initiative of the General Secretary of our Central Committee comrade Kim Il Sung, the 8th Plenum of the Party Central Committee which took place in February 1974 advanced ten economic goals to hasten our further development. These goals are to produce annually: 10 million tons of steel, 1 million tons of nonferrous metals, 100 million tons of coal, 50 billion kw/hour of electricity, 20 million tons of cement, 5 million tons of machine produce, 5 million tons of fish products, to reclaim 100 thousand hectares of swampy coastline, and to produce 10 million tons of grain. These goals are to be accomplished by the next Five or Six Year Plan. By implementing these goals, we will reach the level of world’s developed nations.
This year we reached big success in our agriculture. This year was the 10th anniversary of the promulgation of comrade Kim Il Sung’s socialist agriculture thesis. This year we took in 7 million tons of grain, and completed the goals of the Six Year Plan. This year we took at average of 5.9 tons of rice from each hectare, reaching the highest level in the world. In some places, we took in 24 tons of rice per hectare. This proved the living power of the agricultural thesis.
There is also a lot of work under way with regard to the cultural revolution. The goal advanced for the cultural revolution is for every worker to attain secondary education and for every person to have at least one technical profession. At the same time we set the task of augmenting the ranks of the intellectuals, and to increase the number of people with technical professions to one million by the end of the Six Year Plan. In our country, work is underway to provide mandatory ten year secondary education to the entire public. One of the important measures this year has been to eliminate all official taxes from 1 April of this year.
Due to the intensive implementation of the three revolutions – the ideological, the technological and the cultural [revolutions] – the degree of ideological conscience of our party members and workers has increased. Socialist construction reached success in every sphere.
The fact that socialism is being successfully constructed in the northern part of the republic is important and significant for the task of the unification of the country. You all know that, with weapons in our hands, we are fighting face-to-face the chief of the world’s aggressive forces, American imperialism. Under these circumstances, to strengthen the revolutionary basis of northern part of the republic, to strengthen socialist construction is to give confidence to the South Korean people and to establish an economic foundation for the development of the motherland after the unification.
Because you, comrade minister, will see for yourself socialist construction in the northern part, I will shorten my remarks.
Let me briefly talk about the unification of the motherland. You all know about the joint communique published on 4 July 1972. The basic content of the joint North-South communique is directed towards the three principles advanced by our party and by comrade Kim Il Sung. The first is for the Korean people to unite their motherland independently, without the interference of foreign forces. The second is to unite not by military but by peaceful means. The third is to unite the motherland and achieve national unity irrespective of the utmost demands of the social structure and ideology. If the South Korean rulers sincerely implemented these three principles, there would have been considerable progress in the matter of unification of our motherland. But, pushed by the American imperialists, the South Korean rulers have violated these three principles one after another. On 23 June, it came to Park ChungHee’s clique presenting as normality and advertising to the world the idea of the creation of two Koreans. They proposed for the two Koreans to enter the UN simultaneously. This is a harmful attempt to normalize and perpetuate the country’s separation. Seeing this situation, on 23 June of last year respected dear leader Kim Il Sung newly advanced five principles for the unification of the motherland. As for the discussions between South and North, they are almost in a deadlock, and there is no progress of any kind. All events have shown that the Park ChungHee puppets have no aspiration to unite the country, and the have no power in this respect. Under these circumstances, the 3rd session of the Fifth Congress of People’s Deputies [abbreviated ADKh in the original, this is a possible translation] sent a letter to America in March, proposing to begin discussions on the peace treaty. As all of the South Korean power is in the American hands, and because they directly participated in the armistice talks, we have proposed to negotiate with them to conclude a peace treaty. The goal that we aim to accomplish by negotiating with America is [to make] America withdraw its forces from South Korea, and to strengthen the cease-fire agreement by a peace treaty. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to negotiate with America that holds the power directly in its hands. America has not replied to us regarding our proposal. It does not matter if they reply or not. If they handle our proposal positively, and negotiate, we will negotiate regarding unification of the country. If they do not handle it positively, they will expose their aggression and division of Korea before the entire world.
Because we have expressed our views regarding the discussion of the Korean question at the UN session, I will not repeat it. The question that arises is: which way can one pursue the question of uniting the motherland?
Our party will strive for the realization of the three principles and five lines. We have in mind to continue negotiations between North and South without interruption. Of course, even if the Park ChungHee puppets met and talked [with us], there would not be any successful outcome. Now in South Korea various kinds of people are struggling to destroy the Park ChungHee puppet regime. If Park ChungHee is removed from power and some person of democratic views comes to political power and negotiates with us, we will negotiate concerning the unification of the motherland. Likewise, in negotiations connected with the unification of the motherland we propose to negotiate not with some people of limited spheres but through a national congress which would include all kinds of people, or a consultation conference, which would involve representatives of political parties and democratic organizations.Regarding the next UN session, our position is to discuss our propose of withdraw UN forces from South Korea. Even if we did not achieve success this year, we think that in the future if we properly exchange views with the fraternal country, we will archive success. We hope that, as in the past, the Mongolian party and the government will actively cooperate with, and support the struggle of our people for the unification of the motherland.
Because the time is limited, I will talk briefly about our foreign policy. You probably know well the position of our party. We struggle to strengthen friendship, solidarity and cohesion with socialist countries. We have good relations with the USSR, and develop them, and have good relations with the PRC, and develop them. We think that even if there are disagreements on certain questions between socialist countries, it is necessary to strengthen unity and cohesion in the interests of common struggle. We know that there are some complicated questions between the Soviet Union and China and we know well about the worrisome situation between Mongolia and China, of which you just spoke. Our party is against split but for unity and cohesion between fraternal countries. We will continue to struggle for strengthening friendship and unity between the USSR, the PRC and socialist countries. Our party is paying great attention to the revolutionary forces of the Third World, which have become the main revolutionary force of today. In this connection, we have exchanged a great number of high-level representatives with countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and diplomatic relations have been established with many countries.
We are ideologically firmly united with the Asian, African and Latin American people who struggle against imperialism, colonialism and racism, for independence and freedom. I think that as you know our positions on the question of Indochina, the Near East and North India, it is not necessary to provide detailed explanations.
Minister Rinchin, I am in complete agreement with what you have said about Korean-Mongolian relations. Our party and government relations are developing very well. There is not a single case of any problems arising between our two countries. I think there are great opportunities to develop these relations further in political, economic and cultural spheres. To use these opportunities and to place relations between our two countries on a higher level is the duty of our foreign ministries. I think that this visit will contribute to strengthening friendship, unity and mutual understanding between foreign ministries and peoples of the two countries.
This is all I had to say for today. I think we will find opportunities to talk about specific questions in the future.
Rinchin: Comrade Minister, thank you speaking about further goals of socialist construction in the northern part of Korea and about goal of peaceful unification of motherland. Although we had appropriate understanding regarding these questions, [your] explanations became significant for clarifying things further.
We have supported, and will support your position regarding unification of Korea by peaceful means. You spoke briefly about foreign policy. There are some questions, which we would like to clarify. It is correct for us to talk about strengthening socialist unity. Our comrades are probably talking about joint official communiqué about our visit and negotiations with you, minister. I think the issues will be reflected there. At this the conversation ended.
[Recorded directly from the translation by a Korean interpreter into Mongolian.]
In his discussion with the Foreign Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic, the Foreign Minister of North Korea discusses North Korea's efforts to spread socialism in North Korea and resist American imperialism in South Korea to bring about the unification of the Korean peninsula.
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