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April 11, 1952

Report to I. V. Stalin on Ambassador Sadchikov's Conversation with Shaoban Kazemi, Kashani's Secretary

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Top Secret [handwritten: copy Nº 3]


[Stamp at the bottom of the first page]:

Secretariat of V. M. Molotov

11 April 1952

Incoming Nº M-4973s



to Cde. I. V. STALIN


Our Ambassador in Iran Cde. Sadchikov reported on 6 April about his conversation with Shaoban Kazemi, Kashani's secretary.


Kazemi informed Cde. Sadchikov that Kashani informed Bagher Kazemi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, of our reply regarding the purchase of Iranian oil sent to Kashani by Cde. Sadchikov. Kashani asked Minister Kazemi to invite Cde. Sadchikov to his [office] and enter into talks with Soviet representatives about the sale of oil to the Soviet Union. Kazemi allegedly agreed to this.


According to Cde. Sadchikov's report, during the conversation Kashani asked him to confirm his reply to Kashani's request about the purchase of Iranian oil.


Through his secretary Kashani passed to Cde. Sadchikov that in the event of the satisfactory conclusion of talks about the sale of oil we had assured the Iranian government that this purchase would not be used as a tool or pretext for interference in the internal affairs of Iran, and that if Iran were subjected to outside pressure in connection with this sale of oil to us we would not leave it without support and would give it the necessary financial aid.


Cde. Sadchikov is requesting instructions of how he should act in a possible upcoming conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs Kazemi.


The USSR MFA thinks that in a conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs Kazemi Cde. Sadchikov ought to give the same answer that he gave Kashani in the event that Kazemi inquires about the USSR's readiness to buy Iranian oil.


As regards assurances from our side about non-interference in the internal affairs of Iran, if Kazemi begins to talk about this Cde. Sadchikov ought to point out that such a suggestion is groundless and that he sees no need to enter into a discussion of this issue.


If, like Kashani, Kazemi touches on the issue of giving Iran financial aid, Cde. Sadchikov, guided by instructions given previously about financial claims and settlements with Iran, should say that this issue is connected with settlement of our mutual financial claims and that the Soviet side has done everything to achieve agreement in this regard. If, however, agreement has not yet been reached then it is not through the fault of the Soviet side.


A draft decree of the VKP(b) CC and draft instructions to Cde. Sadchikov are attached.


Please examine [them].


A. Vyshinsky


11 April 1952

Authenticated: V. Suslov


Copies were distributed

to Cdes. Molotov







11 copies were sent [ehkz/sv]

11 April 1952



Report on the meeting between Soviet representative, Sadchikov, and Iranian secretary Kashemi, where they discuss the possibility of Iranian sale of oil to the Soviet Union. Sadchikov requests instructions for future meeting. Document reiterates that there should be no Soviet agreement of non-interference in internal Iranian affairs.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 82, op. 2, d. 1219, l. 95-96. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Leon Levy Foundation