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September 20, 1952

Report, Zhou Enlai to the Chairman [Mao Zedong], Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi, and the Central Committee

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation

To Chairman [Mao Zedong], Comrade Liu Shaoqi, and the Central Committee:[1]


Received the September 8th telegram from Comrade Liu Shaoqi. On the evening of September 19th, we had an appointment with Comrade Stalin. He agreed to discuss Indonesian issues with the Indonesian comrades after the meeting.[2] If comrades from Japan and Vietnam would like to discuss the Japan and Vietnam issues, they can be discussed. He said that although he was very busy with the business of the [Soviet] Party Congress, he could not turn down a request from fraternal parties to discuss political and ideological issues, so he had to find the time for a discussion.


He also asked whether the Chinese Party wanted to have a discussion. I responded, “Of course the Chinese Party is willing to have discussions. Comrade Liu Shaoqi wants me to ask for guidance and prepared some files for me to bring along to discuss.” He said, “Very good. Comrade Liu Shaoqi is familiar with this kind of situation so we can all get together for a discussion.”


I think that it is very good that Indonesian and Japanese comrades come for a discussion. However, it is not suitable to make public that Comrade Ho Chi Minh is coming this time and so I am afraid it would not be appropriate. It is a good thing for us to discuss issues with comrades from Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam but it would be better for them to meet with Stalin personally. I am afraid that meeting with comrades from Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam would not be appropriate given the situation of our interpreters and advisers. Please take this into consideration.


Moreover, three chartered planes can only carry 17 people: the six representatives of our Party, six secretaries, and two interpreters come to fourteen people. I am afraid that the three remaining places on the plane won’t be enough for the comrades from Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam. Please consider taking fewer secretaries. Now in addition to leaving behind Comrades Shi Zhe [Political Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of the Central People’s Government] and Kang Yimin [Deputy Director of the Confidential Office of the Office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party], [Li] Fuchun’s office has in addition several interpreters. We plan to return to China on September 22 and to Beijing on September 24.


Zhou Enlai

September 20 in the evening





[1] The editors of Jianguo yilai Zhou Enlai wengao (Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC) included several footnotes in this document that provided biographical information on the individuals mentioned. These footnotes have not been translated into English. The remaining footnote produced by the editors has been translated into English here. – Charles Kraus.

[2]Refers to the Nineteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union which was about to convene on October 5, 1952.

Zhou and Stalin discuss potential meetings with representatives from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan.

Document Information


Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi (CPC Central Historical Documents Research Office) and Zhongyang dang'anguan (Central Archives), eds., Jianguo yilai Zhou Enlai wengao (Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC), vol. 7 (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2018), 156-157. Translated by David Cowhig.


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Henry Luce Foundation