The Office of the Disarmament Affairs summarizes the views of several leading LDP personalities (Matsuno, Nakasone, and Shiina) on the NPT.
April 8, 1975
First North America Division, American Affairs Bureau, Japanese Foreign Ministry, 'Foreign Minister Miyazawa-Secretary of State Kissinger: Talking Points and Background Material' (Excerpts)
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Foreign Minister Miyazawa-Secretary of State Kissinger
Talking Points and Background Material
I Political Issues
1975. 4. 8
First North America Division, American Affairs Bureau
1. Japan-U.S. relations
(1) Prime Minister’s visit to the United States (omitted)
(2) National Security
2. NPT
3. Situation in Indochina
4. Korean Peninsula (including the Korean problem at the United Nations)
5. Situation in Middle East
6. China
7. Soviet Union
8. Law of the Sea
9. Secretary Kissinger’s planned visit to South America and its background
2. NPT
(1) (explain the progress of Japan’s ratification of NPT appropriately)
(2) Raise the problem of the security of non-nuclear weapons states at the Review Conference.
(a) The provisions for holding the Review Conference were adopted as a result of Japan’s assertions in the drafting process of the NPT. Japan places importance on this Conference and, though Japan only signed it without ratification, intends to participate actively.
(b) Japan intends to actively address nuclear disarmament, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and the security of non-nuclear weapons states at the Review Conference. In particular, Japan places the greatest importance on the security of non-nuclear weapons states since it is desirable to eliminate the concerns of non-nuclear weapons states on security issues to secure broader participation in the Treaty. In this regard, non-aligned countries have already expressed their intention to adopt the Annexed Protocol on the non-use of nuclear weapons at the Review Conference. However, Japan believes that it is desirable to suppress radical movements in these countries and to adopt some kind of resolution in a way that all participating countries can agree on, while firmly maintaining the official stance that the nuclear balance, backed by the U.S. nuclear deterrence, will not be upset. Regarding this issue, we would like to proceed with discussions between Japan and the United States at the working level.
Talking points on the NPT prepared for a meeting between the Japanese Foreign Minister and Henry Kissinger.
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