Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1917- 1979
1912- 1994
East Asia
Southeast Asia
January 13, 1972
Updates on the intensification of military tension, Park Chung Hee's commitment to war preparations through heavy and chemical industries, hypothesis on Japan's view on the Korean question, and Park's support of Red Cross talks.
January 5, 1972
Updates on UNCURK and UN member departures, the Tae Yun Gak Hotel fire, reaction to the Special Law on National Security and Defense, and Japan's continued economic aid to ROK and discontinuation of ties with North Korea.
November 11, 1971
ROK doubts are rising due to the PRC's entry into the UN. Many debate ROK's position in connection with UNCURK and UNC.
March 8, 1972
Ozbudun sends Narasimhan a letter on Mr. Marshall Green's visit to the ROK, the doubling of Japan-DPRK trade during 1972, ROK-DPRK Red Cross talks: 3th working committee meeting, and USSR-DPRK contacts.
November 29, 1971
In connection with the issue of two Chinas in the UN, Kim Dae Jung proposes an ROK national effort toward national unification by precluding war and consideration of simultaneous entry of the two Koreas into the UN.