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September 9, 1980

Measures Against a Discussion of a Draft Resolution Containing Points of an Anti-Soviet and Anti-Afghan Orientation at the 67th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union

[CC CPSU letterhead]

Nº St-227/73gs
of 09.09.80
Excerpt from CC Secretariat Minutes Nº 227 §73gs
Measures Against a Discussion of a Draft Resolution Containing Points of an Anti-Soviet and Anti-Afghan Orientation at the 67th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union

Approve the text of the instructions to the Soviet ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan on this issue (attached)

[the draft contains two illegible signatures]

[the final version is signed by “CC SECRETARY”]

Results of the voting: “For” [probably “M. Suslov”]

Gorbachev, Kapitonov,
Dolgikh “For” (see the proceedings)

[illegible signature]

4930 Excerpts to Cdes. Gromyko and Ponomarev
10.9.80 to Cde. A. P. Shitikov
[date missed] Sept 1980

Distributed: 09.09.1980 (Shareve)

[TsKhSD identification stamp on the draft copy]



[08Sep80 24651
2nd Sector
Subject to return to the
CC CPSU General Department]
Measures Against a Discussion of a Draft Resolution Containing Points of an Anti-Soviet and Anti-Afghan Orientation at the 67th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union

In connection with preparations for the 67th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union (it will be held from14 to 25 September of this year) the Westerners have managed at meetings of the bodies of this Union to draft points distorting the events around Afghanistan and the nature of the Soviet aid to the DRA into the draft of the resolutions.

In accordance with the charter and the rules of procedure of the Interparliamentary Union consideration of this draft will be continued in Berlin first in the Political Commission and then it will be put to a vote of the plenary session of the Conference itself. According to preliminary information parliamentarians of about 80 countries will take part.

In accordance with directives the delegation of the USSR Parliamentary Group (lead by Cde. V. P. Ruben) will speak against discussion of the “Afghan issue” in bodies of the Interparliamentary Union at the meetings in Berlin.

Considering the stubborn attempts of the Westerners to impose an unacceptable decision on the Conference about the “Afghan issue”, the CC CPSU International Department and the CC CPSU Department [sic] ought to draw the attention of the corresponding departments of the CC's of other fraternal Parties of the socialist countries to the need to speak out together against these attempts. We think it also advisable to turn to the DRA leadership with a suggestion to protest to the Interparliamentary Union against intentions to grossly interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan (drafts of these resolutions have been printed in publications of the Interparliamentary Union).

In as much as at the present time Afghanistan does not have a parliament and is not represented at the Interparliamentary Union
such a protest could be sent on behalf of the highest body of government authority, the Revolutionary Council.

Deputy USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs Cde. S. P. Kozyrev supports the suggestion.

A draft CC CPSU Decree is attached.

Deputy Chief of the CC CPSU
International Department [signature] A. Chernyayev

8 September 1980
Nº 18-S-1630

This CC CPSU document discusses the anti-Soviet and anti-Afghan movements that interfered with the establishment of an Afghani parliament.

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Meeting Minutes


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