Dong Yueqian instructs Zhang Wentian to form a "special supervisory group" for the Sino-American ambassadorial talks.
July 31, 1955
Cable from Ma Lie to Zhang Wentian
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
[To] Deputy Minister Zhang [Wentian],
I was on duty the previous night and the Premier [Zhou Enlai] asked me to relay to you two things [sic]:
First, please appoint a “special supervisory group” for negotiations at Geneva. Comrade Ling Yun from the Ministry of Public Security should be included. Please inform the Premier after you have decided on a list of names. The special supervisory group should envision various situations and propose plans [for the Sino-American ambassadorial talks]. Comrades Zhang Yan and Pu Shouchang may attend the meetings of the group on a rotating basis.
Second, please propose separate settlement plans for each of the US nationals in the four different categories, including the convicted Americans.
Third, regarding the Sino-American talks at Geneva, please make arrangements for propaganda work.
With best regards,
Ma Lie
In the early morning of the 31st of July
Ma Lie asks Zhang Wentian to form a “special supervisory group” for the Sino-American ambassadorial talks.
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July 30, 1955 | Cable from Dong Yueqian to Zhang Wentian |
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