Korzhenevich reports on the military situation in Iranian Azerbaijan.
December 24, 1945
Letter to Bagirov from Maslennikov about the Disarmament of Soldiers
[stamp:] HQ, [Baku] Military District, December 45, No 00218/on, Baku
Top Secret
Copy No 1
to the Secretary of the CC CP/b/ of Azerbaijan
Cde. Bagirov
Copy: People’s Commissar of State Security of the Azerbaijan SSR
General-Major Cde. Yemel’yanov
1. As of 24 December 45 the partisans in Iranian Azerbaijan have disarmed 5,983 soldiers and officers of the 3rd Infantry Division; in the process they have taken: four 75 mm guns; 1,000 shells; 58 heavy machineguns; 147 light machineguns; 3,577 rifles of various types; 22 revolvers and pistols; 470,000 rifle shells; 3 tanks; 3 light tanks; two 81 mm mortars, [and] 300 mortar shells.
The weapons and ammunition seized are in good order and fit for use with the exception of one gun and 18 heavy machineguns intentionally put out of commission in Tabriz while being transferred to the partisans.
2. During this same period about 2,800 gendarmes of the Rezaye and Ardebil’ gendarme regiments have been disarmed. In this process 565 rifles and 31,000 rifle shells have been seized and accounted for.
3. All the soldiers and officers dispersed to their homes immediately after they were disarmed.
Information about the number of soldiers and officers who have voluntarily crossed over to serve the Azerbaijani government is being checked.
Commanding General of the Baku Military District
General of the Army Maslennikov [signed]
24 December 1945
Letter to Bagirov from Maslennikov about the disarmament of soldiers and the capture of their weapons. The soldiers were subsequently sent back to their homes. Information about the soldiers who voluntarily crossed over to serve the Azerbaijani government is being checked.
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