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December 2, 1945

Message from Bagirov and Maslennikov on the Situation in Iranian Azerbaijan

No. 17

to Cde. Stalin

to Cde. Molotov

to Cde. Beriya

to Cde. Malenkov


We report the situation in Iranian Azerbaijan per information of 2400 1 December 1945:


The new Governor General, Bayat, who has arrived in Tabriz [handwritten: “announced that he”], intends to enter into talks with the leaders of the Azerbaijani Democratic Party [and] once and for all explain their [sic] intentions and come to a compromise, if possible.


Bayat wants to report the results of the talks personally to the Shah and the government.


Bayat considers the guilty parties in the worsening of relations with the USSR to be the former governments of Sayed and Sadr, and also the present Prime Minister, Khakimi, who brought opponents of the USSR into his cabinet – Khazhir, Khakimi [sic], and others.


Bayat stated that authoritative government circles of Iran and the Shah himself intend to eliminate the situation which has arisen by a radical improvement of relations with the Soviet Union.


At the same time, using the extraordinary powers received from the Iranian government, Bayat is beginning to strengthen the administrative bodies in Azerbaijan. He has permitted the Chief of Police in Tabriz to increase the police force by 100 men.


The Chief of Staff of the Iranian division in Tabriz, Colonel Varakhrami, visited an experienced agent who had arrived from the General Staff in order to secure for himself documentary information  confirming the fact of supply of the partisans with weapons from us.


Information is coming in that disintegration is being observed among the soldiers in the Iranian garrisons in the cities of Ardebil’ and Maragheh, who in no way wish to oppose the partisans and shoot their fathers and brothers.


Forty-six soldiers have deserted from the Iranian brigade in Ardebil’.  A group of gendarmes has also deserted in Ardebil’.


The Deputy Commander of this same brigade, Colonel Mansuri, turned to the Chairman of the committee of the Democratic Party in Ardebil’, Dzhodat, for advice, “What is to become of them, will the brigade not thrown down their weapons?” But after he heard about the arrival of Governor General Bayat in Tabriz, he began to conduct himself otherwise.


A company of soldiers in the Maragheh garrison does not intent to obey their commander’s orders.


Large pre-electoral meetings take place daily in Tabriz in connection with the elections to the Azerbaijani Majlis.


On the 30th of November the chief of education of the city of Tabriz and his deputy visited the Chairman of the CC of the Azerbaijani Democratic Party, Pishevari.  In a conversation with Pishevari they said: “As it is evident that you will gain autonomy soon, tell us, in such a case will we be given work [to do]?”


M. D. Bagirov [signed]


I. I. Maslennikov [signed]


2 December 1945




A letter reporting about the situation in Iranian Azerbaijan and pressures from the Iranian government on the separatist regime.

Document Information


GAPPOD, f.1, op.89. Obtained for CWIHP by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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