July 15, 1949
Memorandum to Mr. Claxton, 'Pacific Pact'
This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation
Pac Pact
[illegible handwriting]
July 15, 1949
To: H – Mr. Gross
From: H – Mr. Claxton [handwritten: “TO” with an arrow pointing at name]
Subject: Pacific Pact.
Information on the Baguio meeting is still coming in. I believe you should read the attached summary by Lockett of what Quirino told him about the meeting.
Fisher of FE is preparing a summary of all background material. I can get a copy later today or tomorrow. It briefs the cables I have already briefed orally to you. It also refers to the very important cable from Romulo to Quirino summarized in today' s secret summary attached. at p.s.
H: PClaxton:mej
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