Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1912- 1994
1930- 2000
1917- 1979
1917- 2002
East Asia
North America
Middle East
October 14, 1982
September 8, 1975
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Habib urges South Korea to cancel a planned purchase of a French reprocessing plant.
September 21, 1976
Park Tong-Jin and Philip Habib discuss the proposal for four-party talks involving North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and China.
December 30, 1971
In a series of letters, Narasimhan provides updates on the state of emergency, the Red Cross negotiations, North Korea's defense posture, the US ambassador's remarks on US-ROK relations, North Korean infiltrations, and UNCURK meetings.
December 28, 1976
Report from the ROK ambassador to the US to the ROK Minister of Foreign Affairs on the conversation between Yoo Chong-Ha, the Counselor of the Embassy in the United States, and Director Edward Hurwitz.