Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Western Europe
Middle East
North America
South America
April 4, 1976
Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that fissionable nuclear materials will not be transfered to any of the countries listed in the annex.
Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that in the future West Germany and Iran may cooperate " to build uranium enrichment, or fuel reprocessing installations in Iran."
Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild with details of the contract to be signed for nuclear cooperation between West Germany and Iran.
April 5, 1978
Documents summarizes a meeting between Haunschild and Etemad on an upcoming visit to Tehran. It also includes information on talks held in March 1978 with Ahmad Sotoodehnia of the Atomic Energy Organization of lran.