Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1917- 1979
1912- 1994
East Asia
South America
January 15, 1971
President Park Chung Hee reiterates that his main priority is the South Korean economy. He believes that a strong economy will allow for unification and stronger national security. Additionally, Park believes that the power balance in East Asia will depend on China's progress.
July 1, 1969
Chef de Cabinet of the United Nations C.V. Narasimhan acknowledges his receipt of an ROK government memorandum sent from ROK Ambassador to the United Nations Kim Yong Shik to Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant. Kim's letter outlines North Korean infiltrations from 8 June 1969 to 14 June 1969 and the need to halt further actions which violate the Armistice Agreement.
January 13, 1972
Updates on the intensification of military tension, Park Chung Hee's commitment to war preparations through heavy and chemical industries, hypothesis on Japan's view on the Korean question, and Park's support of Red Cross talks.
June 5, 1973
Upadhya sends Narasimhan a report on ROK stance on the UN.
March 26, 1971
The presidential elections in South Korea are set for 27 April 1927, and four candidates are running: Park Chung Hee, Kim Dae Jung, Kim Chul, and Song Po Kyong.