Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1898- 1976
1905- 1982
1890- 1969
East Asia
North America
South Asia
Western Europe
June 14, 1954
Paul-Boncour and Bingnan discuss the Korean issue. Paul-Boncour states that the US is joining 15 other countries to "sabotage" the conference on the issue of international supervision of Korean unification.
January 11, 1957
Gomulka describes the 1956 Polish protests and his confrontation with Soviet authorities.
April 15, 1961
Edward Ochab insists that Poland "is friendly toward China."
July 31, 1955
Several instructions from the PRC Foreign Ministry on how to handle the negotiations as well as two attachments regarding the text of speech for the first meeting of the Sino-American talks and the issue of news release during the talks
April 1, 1964
Wang Bingnan and Władysław Gomułka discuss the Sino-Soviet split.