Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
Middle East
Western Europe
East Asia
1909- 1994
February 3, 1969
Kissinger provides Nixon with an overview of achieving a general political settlement in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and different international frameworks for this goal.
May 17, 1945
This translated document is an eye witness account and summary of a visit Stefan Mossor made to the mass graves in Katyn while he was a German POW.
June 21, 1948
The U.S. Army investigates what happened in the Katyn Forest in 1940 using the accounts of locals, newspapers, intelligence, and diplomatic correspondence.
October 30, 1954
This intelligence report is a summary and timeline of the events concerning the Katyn Forest Massacre from 1939-1946.
April 25, 1951
A summary of the reports of the Indian Mission to Lhasa for January-March 1951.
April 23, 1951
Reports of the Indian Mission in Lhasa from February-March 1951.
April 30, 1948
State Department Policy Planning Director George Kennan outlines, in a document for the National Security Council, the idea of a public committee, working closely with the US government, to sponsor various émigré activities.
February 1, 1970
Isa Yusuf Alptekin writes to President Nixon to explain the plight of his people and to request assistance.
February 6, 1970
Congressman Murphy forwards a letter and appeal from Isa Yusuf Alptekin to President Nixon.
March 12, 1970
Theodore Eliot advises Henry Kissinger that "the United States should avoid becoming involved in an issue which could seriously damage our efforts to improve relations with Peking."