Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
Middle East
Western Europe
East Asia
1909- 1994
October 20, 1976
This cable summarizes Danish media coverage of illegal North Korean smuggling in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. It focuses especially on press theories about the way in which the North Korean Embassies used illicitly gained funds.
October 22, 1976
An official at the American Embassy in Bonn discusses the North Korean smuggling scandals in Scandinavia, suggests possible connections between the scandals and North Korean Embassies elsewhere in Europe, and confirms the absence of North Korean smuggling in the Federal Republic of Germany.
This cable discusses coverage of the North Korean smuggling scandals in the Norwegian press.
October 28, 1976
This cable reproduces a Norwegian Daily Aftenposten report on a meeting between the North Korean, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish Ambassadors in Peking, China. It focuses especially on North Korean desires to maintain relationships with the Nordic countries.
This cable reports on the departure of four North Korean diplomats expelled from Finland for smuggling alcohol, tobacco and narcotics. New diplomats arrived via train from Moscow to replace those expelled.
October 21, 1976
This cable describes extensive Swedish media coverage of illegal North Korean trafficking in both Sweden and other nordic countries and considers the factors influencing whether the North Korean Ambassador will be expelled by the Swedish government.
This cable discusses the expulsion of North Korean diplomats from Finland after they were accused of smuggling cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. It also discusses North Korean resistance to the expulsion and confrontations with the Finnish press.
November 8, 1976
This cable discusses unconfirmed rumors that Egypt secretly expelled North Korean diplomats accused of selling black market goods as well as the possibility that the South Korean government might attempt to have the story published through some Middle Eastern news outlet.
October 26, 1976
This cable reports on Swedish press coverage of illegal alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics trafficking by North Korean diplomats as well as the broader implication of the trafficking disclosures for the Swedish-North Korean relationship.
October 16, 1976
This cable discusses Danish press coverage of the North Korean diplomats who were expelled from the four Scandinavian countries for trafficking in cigarettes, liquor and drugs. It also reports on press coverage of the diplomats sent to Denmark to replace those who were expelled.