Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1908- 1988
East Asia
North America
Western Europe
1898- 1976
July 30, 1955
Dong Yueqian instructs Zhang Wentian to form a "special supervisory group" for the Sino-American ambassadorial talks.
April 15, 1961
Edward Ochab insists that Poland "is friendly toward China."
May 31, 1962
Wang Bingnan reports extensively on social, political, religious, and economic conditions within Poland, as well as Poland's foreign relalations with the US, the Soviet Union, and China.
April 1, 1964
Wang Bingnan and Władysław Gomułka discuss the Sino-Soviet split.
January 24, 1966
Polish official, Jerzy Michalowski, discusses the Vietnamese situation after meeting with several high ranking officials there. He asserts that the Vietnamese misguided in their belief that the US is not willing to fight a broadened war. He also notes that, although Vietnamese allies recognize this, they discourage Vietnam from opening negotiations.
January 11, 1957
Gomulka describes the 1956 Polish protests and his confrontation with Soviet authorities.
July 31, 1955
Several instructions from the PRC Foreign Ministry on how to handle the negotiations as well as two attachments regarding the text of speech for the first meeting of the Sino-American talks and the issue of news release during the talks
July 17, 1955
Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the Sino-US talks
September 9, 1955
The Foreign Ministry's instructions regarding revising the draft, the preferred words, and the exchange of text and the information to release to the US after reaching an agreement.
August 20, 1955
US Representative Johnson invited Wang to a private dinner at Johnson’s residence, stating that both would bring only interpreters and should not leak the information to reporters. Wang asked for instruction from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.