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December 2, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 2 December 1957

GDE Ambassador Fischer discusses the results of the talks between GDR and DPRK concerning scientific and technical cooperation.

November 26, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 26 November 1957

Puzanov discusses the USSR's economic aid to the DPRK and the controversy surrounding Kim Seung-hwa with Fischer and Nam Il, respectively. Nam Il informs Puzanov of Kim Il Sung's report about the trip to Moscow for the celebration of Great October.

July 31, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 31 July 1957

The GDR Ambassador and Ambassador of the Hungarian People's Republic express dissatisfaction that the DPRK MFA inadequately informs ambassadors about important issues of DPRK domestic and foreign policy. Puzanov suggests regular meetings between ambassadors for the mutual exchange of information.

July 18, 1973

Letter, Oskar Fischer to Cde. Hermann Axen, 'Text of a Statement to be Presented Verbally to the Council of the Embassy of the PR China to the GDR'

Documents related to East Germany's protest against the intended establishment of a Chinese trade representation in West Berlin. The East German Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that West Berlin cannot be regarded as part of West Germany. Therefore, by initiating diplomatic relations with West Berlin without considering the existence of the internationally acknowledged Four Power Agreement on Berlin between the US, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, China is deliberately acting against the interests of East Germany.

November 7, 1989

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo

Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo concerning situation regarding GDR citizens leaving the country. The Politburo decides a new travel law will be developed in order to placate some of the popular demands.

November 7, 1989

Memorandum of Conversation between Comrade Oskar Fischer and the Soviet Ambassador V[yacheslav] I. Kochemassov at 11:45 a.m.

Memorandum of Conversation between Comrade Oskar Fischer and the Soviet Ambassador V[yacheslav] I. Kochemassov discussing measures to be taken to prevent the permanent exit of GDR citizens via the CSSR

October 18, 1986

Report on a Erich Honecker's visit to North Korea, October 1986

During the meeting with Kim Il Sung, Honecker talked about economic deployment in the GDR and German foreign policy. Kim Il Sung explained Korea's economic problems and objectives, as well as Korea's external position. Treaties for economic cooperation were signed.

November 28, 1956

Letter Fischer to Florin, North Korean Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Fisher informs Florin about personnel changes in North Korean Embassy in Soviet Union.

August 24, 1982

Letter, Oskar Fischer to Erich Honecker

Fischer forwards greetings and thanks from Arafat, as well as Arafat's request that 40 wounded soldiers and civilians be accepted by the GDR. Fischer proposes to fulfill Arafat's appeal.

October 18, 1982

State Visit by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, Erich Honecker, to Kuwait from 16 to 18 October 1982

A summary of meetings held between Erich Honecker and other GDR officials with the Emir of Kuwait.
