Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
East Asia
1909- 1989
1879- 1953
1897- 1984
May 28, 1966
A draft resolution on formal Soviet accession to the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
June 26, 1950
A telegram conveying the UN Security Council's resolution calling for North Korea to withdraw from the 38th Parallel.
November 12, 1945
This Soviet reply to the American government attempts to lay out Soviet changes to American proposals for a control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan and provides justification for those changes.
July 9, 1947
Stalin speaks with members of the Czechoslovak delegation regarding their decision to attend the Paris Conference in 1947, and urges them not to attend. Further discussion includes Czechoslovak-USSR economic relations.
March 28, 1969
The document discusses the DPRK's difficult economic situation and several changes in the political system, such as a new ideology "Juche" and shifts in the high command in parties. It also examines international politics of DPRK with China, Japan, and the Soviet Union.
June 25, 1980
Extract on Amnesty International and the KGB's attempts to undermine its anti-Soviet activity. The report states that Amnesty International is funded by imperialist powers, who have the intent of placing pressure on the Soviet Union to change its human rights policies.
December 18, 1970
A statement to the DPRK Embassy about a series of incidents that have soured relations between Korean authorities and Soviet embassy staff. Over the course of four months, DPRK authorities have detained Soviet diplomats traveling on official business and denied Soviet merchant vessels access to Korean ports for unclear reasons. The Ministry points out that the DPRK in these incidents violated the two countries’ agreement on visa-free travel for official matters, and asks that DPRK takes measures to ensure that similar events will not occur in the future.
July 12, 1951
Telegram distributed among top Soviet officials regarding ongoing negotiations between Iran and the USSR over financial claims. Agreements have been reached on some smaller claims, but the main Soviet claim for oil and the main Iranian claim for gold both remain an issue. Telegram suggests that the negotiations be recessed, while noting that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Ministry of Foreign Trade (MVT) disagree.