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December 21, 1955

From the Journal of Pavel F. Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 21 December 1955

Mao Zedong discusses the progress of collectivizing agriculture in China as well as the state takeover of private industries in cities.

July 4, 1953

Telegram from USSR Foreign Minister V.M. Molotov to Soviet Ambassador in Beijing

Molotov writes to the Soviet Ambassador in Beijing discussing the Korean War armistice.

April 5, 1956

From the Journal of Ambassador P. F. Yudin, Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong, 31 March 1956

Soviet Ambassador Yudin discusses the 20th Congress of the CPSU with Mao, including Khrushchev's "secret speech" denouncing Stalin and his cult of personality. Mao had already seen a copy and discusses mistakes in Stalin's policy towards China at length.

April 8, 1960

Excerpt from the Political Report of the Soviet Embassy in China for 1959

This excerpt from the USSR embassy in the PRC highlights the development and strengthening of the Chinese-Soviet friendship, cultural exchange, and exchange of knowledge and expertise in the year 1959. This was achieved with the help of the Society of Chinese Soviet Friendship and other active social organizations. The report concludes with goals for the upcoming year.

November 22, 1956

Diary of Soviet Ambassador P.F. Yudin, Memorandum of Conversation with Liu Shaoqi of 30 October 1956

Liu Shaoqi discusses the potential withdrawal of Soviet advisors from China. Although the Chinese government was considering sending back some specialist, they did not want the abrupt removal of all specialists as happened in Yugoslavia. Liu Shaoqi also brings up the 1956 uprisings in Hungary and Poland, saying that such events were a “useful lesson for the entire communist movement.”

May 24, 1951

Memorandum of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador to China N.V. Roshchin with Indian Ambassador K.M. Panikkar, 3 May 1951

On 3 May Roshchin was at a reception of the Indian ambassador Panikkar. At the reception many different representatives were present. During the reception Panikkar expressed his great frustration over his difficult situation regarding the export of grain from China, and informed that in the current situation in India there is no way to produce the quantity of grain that they could receive from China. There was given special attention to the Czechoslovak representatives and trade delegation.

July 3, 1953

Telegram of the Soviet Chargé to the PRC to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers

After acknowledging Syngman Rhee's solitary role in blocking the passage of the armistice agreement, Peng Dehuai and Kim Il Sung draft a response to General Clark.

July 22, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 22591 from Roschin to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong informs Stalin of China's military and strategic maneuvers in summer 1950 as a result of the Korean War.

October 14, 1959

From the Journal of Ambassador S.F. Antonov, Summary of a Conversation with the Chairman of the CC CPC Mao Zedong

October 1959 conversation between Mao Zedong and the Soviet diplomat and sinologist S.F. Antonov, in which Mao attempted to reassure the Soviets that China would not provoke war with the United States or with its Asian neighbors. In his conversation with Antonov, Mao attempts to lessen the impact of China’s displeasure with Soviet policies. He tries hard to show his agreement with Moscow on every issue—the United States, Taiwan, India, Tibet, disarmament.

June 28, 1951

Ciphered Telegram No. 21266, Krasovsky to Cde. Filippov [Stalin]

Telegram from Krasvosky to Stalin reporting on the conversation he had with Mao concerning the training of Chinese pilots in MIG-15s and the contruction of three airbases south of Pyongyang.
