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February 21, 1966

Bulgarian Politburo Resolution Regarding Expanding Relations between the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Cuban Communist Party

In a memo, Dimo Dichev, Head of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department of the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee, reports unsatisfactory relations between Cuba and Bulgaria. Dichev suggests political and journalism exchanges to show an initiative to bolster relations. Dichev proposes exchanges between specific Cuban and Bulgarian newspapers and magazines.

February 11, 1966

Bulgarian Politburo Resolution on Expanding Relations between the Bulgarian and the Cuban Communist parties

In a memo, Dimo Dichev, Head of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department of the BCP Central Committee, reports unsatisfactory relations between Cuba and Bulgaria. Dichev suggests political, agricultural, pedagogical and journalism exchanges to show an initiative to bolster relations.

March 3, 1965

Bulgarian Embassy, Havana (Kulbov), Information Regarding The Latin American Communist Parties’ Conference

First Secretary of the Bulgarian Embassy to Cuba A. Hubenov describes a Latin American communist party conference held in Havana, November 1964. The parties secretly discussed their struggle against imperialism and the expansion of communist revolutions in Latin America and Cuba's assistance to that struggle. Conference deliberations included a discussion of the Sino-Soviet split and the fear of factions within the communist movement.

February 16, 1964

Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution on a Visit of Cuban State Delegation to Bulgaria

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party resolves to expand Bulgaria's relationship with Cuba. The Politburo proposes an official visit and Bulgarian exhibition.

January 1964

Information of the Bulgarian Embassy in Havana Regarding the Situation in Cuba in 1963

The Bulgarian Embassy in Havana reports to the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on political, economic, and cultural developments in Cuba circa 1963. Cuba is politically united, but is experiencing economic hardship after the “Caribbean Crisis” primarily because of the US embargo. In the report, embassy staff reviews developments between socialist countries and Cuba throughout 1963. Some examples include communist aid to Cuba after Hurricane Flora and Cuba’s stance on Sino-Soviet relations. Bulgaria’s show of solidarity resulted in concrete political, economic, and cultural cooperation. Embassy staff notes the drawbacks and benefits of Bulgaria’s relationship with Cuba.

August 13, 1963

Central Committee Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Secret Resolution Regarding Arms Supply to Cuba

The Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party authorizes the creation of a Bulgarian delegation to negotiate a protocol on delivering “special equipment” (military arms/weapons) to Cuba in 1964. The Central Committee’s resolution includes a suggested amount of aid.

April 9, 1963

Bulgarian Government Decision for a Long-Term Credit to Cuba

The Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party confirms provision of food and credit assistance to Cuba in 1962.

September 1962

Decision to Send a Group of Bulgarian Experts to Cuba

Ivan Prumov , Minister of Agriculture, and Ivan Abadzhiev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of Dimitrov Communist Youth Union (DCYU) address Cuba’s request for young specialists in agriculture (e.g. agronomists, technicians, gardeners). The Bulgarian government agrees to send specialists who will work and live in a State Agrarian Cooperative. The Ministry of Agriculture and Central Committee of DCYU are responsible to send and assist 76 agriculture specialists to Cuba.

June 1, 1962

Bulgarian Defense Minister, Note to Zhivkov Regarding Invitation to Raul Castro to Visit Bulgaria

Bulgarian Minister of National Defense, Colonel General Dobri Djurov, requests First Secretary Todor Zhivkov’s approval to invite Raul Castro to visit Bulgaria.

December 2, 1961

Top Secret Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution on Arms Delivery to Cuba

In a report to First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Todor Zhivkov, the Minister of Foreign Trade, Georgi Kumbiliev, reviews Cuba’s need for weapons and credit. Kumbiliev relays a weapons request for Latin American revolutionary movements and an extension of financial assistance to Cuba. Kumbiliev advises Zhivkov to respond to the Cuban government’s requests and consider providing surplus Bulgarian weapons free of charge and extending a 5-year-term loan to Cuba starting 1 Jan 1963.
