Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Western Europe
1930- 2017
1916- 1996
1922- 1999
1931- 2022
October 9, 1991
Kohl and Kucan discuss the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emphasize the need for minority rights, self determination and the non-use of force. Kohl explains his position arguing that Germany must not be "singularized" in its diplomacy.
October 8, 1991
Kohl and Separovic examine the situation in Croatia against the backdrop of the fact that the Yugoslavian People's Army was just 30km away from Zagreb. Separovic asks for assistance and international recognition.
September 20, 1991
Kohl and Gonzalez discuss the potential for European integration after Germany's unification and the urge for fast action after the coup in Moscow. They review the ensuing war in Yugoslavia and the need for the Federal Republic to avoid going it alone in its efforts for the recognition of Slovenia and Croatia.
September 16, 1991
June 23, 1990
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 23 June 1990 describes the latest developments in USSR, Yugoslavia, Palestine, West Germany and South Africa.
January 17, 1990
An analysis of the political climate in East/Central Europe and the Albanian President's concerns that his regime will fall.
July 11, 2011
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton summarize their talks on Syria, Libya, and the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, among other subjects. They field several questions from reporters on these issues and other consultations between the United States and the European Union.