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July 30, 1951

Telegram from Gromyko to Poskrebyshevu, Relaying a Letter from Kim Il Sung in Stalin's Name

Kim Il Sung's letter states that DPRK has begun the shipment of lead, lead ore, and lead concentrate to the Soviet Union.

June 30, 1951

Telegram from New York to Moscow

Relaying the notes from the Secretariat of the United Nations meeting on June 29 with a message from Ernest A. Gross to Trygve Lie attached (with an additional two documents attached to that).

September 24, 1963

Report on Visit of the Society of Chinese-Soviet Friendship to the Soviet Union, T. Skvortsov-Tokarin

Report on a tour group of Chinese citizens from the Society of Chinese-Soviet Friendship. The group visited Moscow, Tbilisi, Sochi, Kiev, Riga, and Leningrad. The Soviet guides were frustrated by the groups' argumentative behavior and attempts to speak directly to Soviet workers. The group was especially interested in finding out if Soviet listeners heard broadcasts of Radio Beijing.

December 1, 1966

Excerpts from the Record of a Conversation between Podgornyy and Kim Byeong-jik

The two diplomats discuss the Soviet-North Korean relationship and the diplomatic protocol involved in welcoming Kim Il Sung to Moscow.

March 20, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Cuban Defense Minister Raúl Castro and Polish Leader Władysław Gomułka, Warsaw, 20 March 1965

During his visit in Poland, Castro relates Cuba's position on a conversation taken place in Moscow and why it may be of interest to the Cubans. Gomulka raises the issue of the missiles. In Gomulka's opinion two factors were decisive: contradictions which arose within the socialist camp and the policy which was conducted by Khrushchev. Gomulka is assured that US is capable of conducting a war with Cuba by way of conventional weapons, it does not have to use nuclear weapons. It is clear that the socialist camp and the USSR cannot defend Cuba in any other way but by using nuclear weapons. If a conflict is meant to be, then it will be a nuclear conflict, there is no other way. Gomulka further raises a question whether to go into a nuclear war or not. Castro disagrees with a manner nuclear weapons were withdrawn from Cuba by Soviets. Khruchshev explained that he did not have time. Per Gomulka, Khrushchev conducted a policy which was not thought-out and which was all-out. Gomulka further discusses his talks with Chinese and Vietnamese comrades re: nuclear weapons issue.

September 21, 1978

TELEGRAM 085.304 from the Romanian Embassy in Washington to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

David Blakemore and Petre Anghel discuss US-ROK relations, North Korea's unification policy, and Soviet-ROK contacts.

November 2, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Moscow to Tokyo

Describes the domestic reaction in Moscow following the Cuban Blockade by the US. The cable discusses how the real sense of crisis had been widespread in society, and that after the crisis was over there was a sense of relief.

October 24, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Moscow to Tokyo

A cable from the Foreign Minister Ohira to the Charges d'affaires ad interim Shigemitsu regarding the situation in Moscow over the Cuban blockade. The cable gives an overall report of the atmosphere in Moscow by describing the people and press gathered around the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

September 2, 1953

Note from the Embassy of the Polish Republic in Korea

The Polish Embassy provides a list of personnel among the DPRK government delegation to Moscow and reports on Kim Il Sung's plans to visit other communist countries.

June 24, 1957

Minutes of the Meeting of the CPSU CC Plenum on the State of Soviet Foreign Policy

The Soviet leadership discusses the state of Soviet foreign policy after the Hungarian crisis and Khrushchev’s visit to the US. Molotov criticizes Khrushchev for recklessness in foreign policy direction. Soviet inroads in the Middle East and the Third World are analyzed. The effects of the crises in Eastern Europe are placed in the context of the struggle against US imperialism.
