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September 20, 1973

Minutes of Conversation between Todor Zhivkov – Leonid I. Brezhnev, Voden Residence [Bulgaria]

The two leaders discuss trade agreements, the situation in the Balkans, and policies toward Yugoslavia, Romania and the PRC.

June 26, 1953

Secret Memorandum from Secretary of the Moscow Committee N. Mikhailov to Nikita Khrushchev

Mikhailov reports to Khrushchev that mass rallies had taken place in 14 large factories in Moscow in response to the June uprising in East Berlin. He reports that the workers had been protesting “provocative” acts by West Germans and American occupiers to disturb peace in the GDR.

December 4, 1978

Information about the visit of the Afghan party and state delegation, headed by Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Nur Mohamed Tarakhi to the USSR

A collection of the Soviet and Afghan leadership's statements and intentions. The Soviet leadership highlights the improvement of economic, political, and moral support for Afghanistan.

October 9, 1950

Telegram from Kim Il Sung to Stalin (via Shtykov)

Kim Il Sung requests that Koreans living in the Soviet Union be trained there for service in the Korean Army, explaining that the strong presence of the American military in Korea will not allow for on-site training. Shytkov attached his support of Kim’s request in this telegram to Stalin.

June 2007

The Komsomol meeting. Folder 47. The Chekist Anthology.

In this note Mitrokhin describes events which took place at Moscow State University (MGU) in November 1956. Three students from the faculty of geography, Varuschenko, Nedobezhkin and Nosov, openly criticized actions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol). According to Mitrokhin, they claimed that the committee did not represent the youth’s interests, that the leaders of Komsomol were corrupted by the Communist Party, and that there was an absence of activities. The students stated that the Central Committee required fundamental reform in order to keep students united and active in political life.
According to Mitrokhin, most students from all MGU faculties agreed with the statements made by the activists from the faculty of geography. They demanded to elect Varuschenko to the executive board of the Central Committee and also proposed to organize an independent organization to discuss issues that concerned most youths. That month Varuschenko was elected to the Central Committee and the Independent Club of Geographers was founded.
Mitrokhin states that the KGB was extremely concerned about these circumstances. The administration feared that they had lost control over the youth. The KGB stated that the reason for this opposition was foreign propaganda brought to the Soviet Union by foreign students. As a result, the KGB quickly disbanded the new club and the new executive board of the Central Committee. Varuschenko was expelled from the university.

August 15, 1961

Telegram from the Enver Hoxha to Ho Chi Minh via Gac Mazi, the Albanian Ambassador to Moscow

This is a telegram from the 1st Secretary of the Party of Labor of Albania Enver Hoxha to President Ho Chi Minh delivered via the Albanian Ambassador to Moscow Gac Mazi. This telegram discusses the possible visit of Ho Chi Minh to Tirana. Hoxha orders Mazi to contact Ho Chi Minh urgently and deliver a copy of the telegram to him. Enver Hoxha believes that the disputes between the various leaders of the socialist countries in Europe and the Party of Labor in Albania are serious and cannot be resolved simply or immediately. He assigns the blame for these disputes to the leaders of the other socialist countries. Hoxha asks Ho Chi Minh to talk to these leaders about these disputes before coming to Tirana. The reason for this is that other European communist leaders have begun denigrating the Party of Labor of Albania, the Albanian government, and the Albanian people. Hoxha writes that the Albanian leadership is still carefully analyzing the causes of the disputes. Lastly, he informs Ho Chi Minh that he will be ready to discuss the Tirana trip further in the second half of November of 1961.

September 9, 1957

Memorandum of Conversation between the Government of Romania and the Delegation of Popular Republic of Mongolia, 9 September 1957 (Fragment)

Fragment of the discussions between the delegation of the People's Republic of Mongolia led by Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal and the Romanian government in Bucharest, 9 September 1957. Tsedenbal describes the formation of the history and current state of relations between the Mongolian and Soviet Communist parties, Mongolia's relationship with the People's Republic of China, as well as the status of economic reforms in Mongolia

April 26, 1949

Secret Daily Information Bulletin for the Prime Minister Georgi Dimitrov, communicated from Sofia to Moscow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Internal Affairs create an informational bulletin on the domestic political developments.

September 11, 1964

Letter from the Korean Workers Party Central Committee to the Central Committee of the CPSU

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany reports on a critique by North Korea concerning the Soviet Union's effort to call a meeting of all socialist/communist countries. In the attached letter, North Korea expresses concern for a split between socialist countries.

September 9, 1980

Measures Against a Discussion of a Draft Resolution Containing Points of an Anti-Soviet and Anti-Afghan Orientation at the 67th Conference of the Interparliamentary Union

This CC CPSU document discusses the anti-Soviet and anti-Afghan movements that interfered with the establishment of an Afghani parliament.
