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September 25, 1980

Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Accra, 'The KWP’s 6th Congress'

A report on the three-member delegation of Ghana's People's National Party attending the North Korean Party congress.

December 29, 1961

Cable from the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, 'Request to Send Culture and Friendship Delegation to Visit Africa'

The PRC Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee proposes to send a propaganda team to Guinea, Mali, Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Tunisia, Syria, and Iraq.

September 6, 1979

Letter, S.S. Baffour-Awuah, National Secretary of African Youth Command, to His Excellency Kurt Waldheim

Baffour-Awuah, National Secretary of African Youth Command denounces American troops stationed in South Korea and urges its removal.

November 9, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Delegation at the UN General Assembly, New York, 2:30 p.m., Friday

In the XVII session of the General Assembly of the UN, the Delegates from Canada, Sweden, and Ghana referred exhaustively to the Brazilian draft about denuclearization of Latin America and expressed support to the ideas it contains.

August 19, 1965

Chinese Foreign Ministry Circular, "Vietnam 'Peace Talk' Activities"

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reports on overtures made by the United States toward initiating peace talks to end the Vietnam War. Many countries in such as Ghana, France, India and Yugoslavia are attempting to promote the talks, but China remains skeptical of these initiatives and opposed to opening talks.

August 3, 1965

Chinese Foreign Ministry Circular, 'Talks Between the Ghanaian Mission and the DRV'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reports on a visit by the President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, to North Vietnam as part of a British commonwealth initiative to mediate peace talks between the US and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The DRV rejected the Ghana overture on the grounds that it was "designed in reality to bypass the Geneva Accords to get the United States and the DRV into direct talks while countries like Ghana help the United States by pressuring the DRV." The circular then gives instructions to the Chinese embassies on how to deal with questions about the mission.

March 27, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Compilation of the Excerpts of the Telegrams Concerning the Asian-African Conference'

The collection of telegrams covers the procedure and agenda about the Asian-African Conference, the arguments about China’s participation in the Conference, the attempts of the US and the UK to influence the Conference, and the attitudes of various countries toward the Conference.

March 23, 1982

Letter from Jerry John Rawlings, Chairman of the Provisional National Defence Council of Ghana, to Todor Zhivkov


Soviet briefing on the need to counter-balance Yugoslav endeavors concerning the Afghan question in the non-aligned countries

This document provides an assessment of Yugoslavia’s policy regarding non-aligned countries. The Soviet Union analyses how to counter-balance the non-alignment movement with its foreign policy. The topic of non-interference in internal political matters, and the opinion of Ghana, Kuwait, and India regarding Soviet involvement in Afghanistan are discussed.
