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June 26, 1953

TASS on Voice of America Broadcast Citing Radio Liberation Appeal to Soviet Military in Germany

This document is the transcript of a VOA broadcast citing part of the Radio Liberation program mentioned in the 25 May TASS bulletin.

June 25, 1953

TASS on Radio Liberation Broadcast to Soviet Military in Germany during June 1953 East German Revolt

This TASS bulletin containing the transcript of a Radio Liberation broadcast urging Soviet forces stationed in East Germany to “return to the barracks” was sent to top Soviet officials. Radio Liberation, later to be renamed Radio Liberty, went on the air in March 1953.

February 18, 1953

TASS to CPSU on 'Anti-Soviet propaganda of the Voice of America' on Death of Lev Mekhlis

This TASS information bulletin was sent to the Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers. Note the distribution to Stalin and Malenkov only.

May 4, 1988

Information Bulletin for Polish Party Leadership on Western Views of Poland

This document is an example of analyses prepared for the top Party leadership on the content of Western broadcasts to Poland. It provides, without editorializing or pejorative clauses, an interpretation of the Western broadcasts.

May 23, 1983

Polish Intelligence Report on Radio Free Europe Links to CIA

This May 1983 document draws on Polish intelligence service reporting to detect a hidden CIA hand behind RFE broadcasts (although the CIA connection had been severed twelve years earlier). It is representative of Polish intelligence reports on RFE in those years, which were usually far less accurate than Soviet and other East European intelligence reports.

October 1976

Institute for the Study of Contemporary Problems of Capitalism, 'Propaganda of Western Broadcasting Stations about the So-Called Workers' Defense Committee and the Supreme Court Sentence on the Seven Participants in the Ursus Events'

This analysis by the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Problems of Capitalism indicates regime concern over RFE’s coverage of the first organized dissident movements in Poland.

January 1976

Institute for the Study of Contemporary Problems of Capitalism Report, 'Trends of Western Radio Propaganda Broadcast in Polish'

This document is an example of the monthly analyses of Western broadcasting to Poland prepared by the Interior Ministry-affiliated Institute for the Study of Contemporary Problems of Capitalism (Instytut Badania WspóƂczesnych Problemów Kapitalizmu). It is representative of the extensive cottage industry devoted to such analyses that developed in Poland in the 1970s.

January 26, 1967

Polish Foreign Intelligence Report on Radio Free Europe

This intelligence report indicates detailed knowledge of certain RFE operations, including audience research among Polish travelers in Western Europe, and news gathering by its field bureaus. It is noteworthy that the first name on the distribution list for this report was Party chief GomuƂka.

February 5, 1966

Letter from Main Political Administration of the Polish Army to the Interior Minister on 'Hostile Radio Propaganda'

A letter from the chief of the Polish Army Main Political Administration to the Interior Minister transmits an analysis of hostile radio propaganda prepared in the MPA for the purpose of countering "enemy propaganda" in the armed forces.

May 4, 1964

Romanian Secretariate Report on Radio Free Europe's Encouragement of Romanian Independence from the USSR

Information Note from the Foreign Information Section of the Securitate with regard to RFE’s encouragement of foreign policy autonomy, and differences of opinion on the matter within RFE.
