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April 1984

Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, 'Briefing Material for the President's Trip to China'

Includes memoranda on "China's Independent Foreign Policy in Perspective," "The Foreign Policy Positions of China's Senior Leaders," "Deng-Zhao with Brzezinski--An Assessment," "Sino-Soviet Relations," "China and a Korean Dialogue," "Sino-Soviet Trade and Economic Relations," "China and Japan: Building for the Long Haul," "China's Taiwan Policy," "China-Southeast Asia," "China: Leadership and Succession," "China: Economic Reforms," "US-China Economic Relations," "China: Expanding Market for US Energy Firms," "China: Nuclear Power Prospects," and "China: Changes in Military Industrial Development Policy-Implications for the United States."

December 20, 1963

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Reporters in Cairo

Premier Zhou and Chen Yi answer questions from reporters in Cairo. Zhou and Chen were asked about issues such as their visit to Arab and African countries, China's support for national liberation movements in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the United Arab Republic (Egypt) and Sri Lanka's perspective of the Sino-Indian border conflict, the purpose of the Chinese delegation's visit to Arab and African countries, issues that will be discussed in potential second Bandung Conference, the Sino-Soviet split, and the Pakistani national movement. Zhou also explains why China opposed the ban on nuclear test treaty.

August 11, 1963

Transcript of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and José Ancizar Lopez

Zhou Enlai speaks with head of the Colombian House of Representatives delegation to China, José Ancizar Lopez, about an initiative to establish a nuclear weapons free zone in Latin America. Lopez agrees that nuclear weapons should not be used, but nuclear energy for medicine and other peaceful uses is good. Zhou calls on Latin America and Africa to take the initiative on preventing the use of nuclear weapons.

June 1958

[Mao Zedong's] Directive Regarding the Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

Mao calls for China to develop nuclear weapons within ten years.

August 22, 1964

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Foreign Guests Who Visited China after Attending the 10th World Conference Against the Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

Mao meets with guests from different countries who oppose the use of nuclear weapons. Among other topics such as the the Chinese Civil War, they discuss American aggression, the plight of African Americans, and anti-imperialist struggles around the world.

March 3, 1986

Ministry for State Security of the GDR, Main Department I, 'Topical Report on the Status of Reorganization and Modernization of the Chinese Armed Forces'

A detailed report on the status of China's armed forces, including the PRC's nuclear weapons strategy.

August 19, 1955

Proposal of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education on Providing Assistance to the Chinese People’s Republic in Training Specialists for Work in the Area of the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy

The CPSU CC agrees to assist the PRC with nuclear energy training.

August 19, 1955

Letter to the Soviet Ambassador [in Beijing]

The Soviet Union will help to train Chinese specialists in the area of nuclear energy.

June 16, 1966

Letter, USSR Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Finance of the Chinese People’s Republic, Beijing

The USSR balked at China’s desire for a refund of money contributed to the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) after it decided to pull out of the institute.

April 3, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Reporting the Contents of Premier Zhou's Talks with the Ambassadors of Arab Countries in China'

Zhou discusses China's relationships across the Middle East, including PRC policy toward Israel. He also reviews the proposed nuclear-weapons-free-zones in Africa and Latin America, as well as developments concerning the Non-Aligned Movement and the Second Asian-African Conference.
