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March 27, 1967

Intelligence Note 242 from George C. Denney, Jr., to the Secretary, 'Peking May Have ICBMs in 1971'

Years before Beijing actually deployed an ICBM in 1981, US intelligence estimated the possibility of the deployment of a “few operable, though probably relatively inefficient missiles” as early as 1971.

January 11, 1967

Intelligence Note 13 from Thomas L. Hughes to the Secretary, 'The Chinese Nuclear Threat to Non-Communist Asia'

Prepared by Edward Hurwitz, a Foreign Service officer and future ambassador then on assignment to INR, this report treated ICBMs as China’s main weapons goal, an eventual means for a “credible threat” to Beijing’s U.S. and Soviet “arch enemies.”

April 23, 1965

Intelligence Note from Thomas L. Hughes to the Secretary, 'Will Communist China Assist Other Nations in Acquiring Nuclear Weapons?'

Only months after China’s first nuclear test in October 1964, INR looked into whether Beijing would help other nations get the bomb.

October 1, 1962

Research Memorandum RFE-44 from Roger Hilsman to Acting Secretary, 'Japan’s Reaction to a Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation'

This “Limited Distribution” report on possible Japanese reactions did not anticipate that a test would cause basic changes in US-Japan security relations or in Tokyo’s general approach to nuclear weapons.

September 25, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 7

7th report on the visit of the Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. Indonesian atomic energy group visits the No. 2 Institute of Atomic Energy Research in China, touring various facilities in the institute including a heavy water reactor built with Soviet aid. Report notes the group's satisfaction with the visit.

September 25, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 6

6th report on the visit of the Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. Describes the group's visit to China's No. 1 Institute of Atomic Energy Research. Report goes on to relate questions raised by group members about atomic energy related organizations in China, and describes the screening of a documentary on the first successful explosion of a Chinese atomic bomb.

September 23, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 4

4th report on the visit of the Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. Summarizes the group's visit to various science departments at Peking University, and the visit to laboratories of nuclear physics, electronics, and radiation chemistry, along with several other science department laboratories. Describes the "very positive reactions" of the visiting group, and the group's request to send Indonesian exchange students to Peking University.

September 21, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 3

Continued report on visit of Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. Describes a visit made by the Indonesian delegation to a number of sites, including a nuclear reactor, multiple laboratories, and a computer science research institute at Tsinghua University. The report notes that the head of the Indonesian group was a member of the Air Force, confirming that part of the delegation consists of "military men." Also summarizes questions raised by one of the group members.

September 20, 1965

National Science Committee, Briefings on Receiving Foreign Guests, No. 2

Report on the second meeting with the Atomic Energy Group of the Indonesian Economic Delegation. The head of the delegation asks to visit factors and labs that select uranium ore and process raw materials into fuel. In negotiations, the Indonesian side proposes longterm cooperation between Indonesia and China on atomic energy, and protective measures against nuclear radiation.

October 30, 1964

Reply from Acting President, Dr. Subandrio, to Premier Zhou Enlai

Subandrio writes a letter to Premier Zhou Enlai, praising the idea proposed in a previous message from China about holding a summit conference on general disarmament and banning of nuclear weapons. Subandrio suggests that the conference could have a higher chance of success if the 5 nuclear states (US, USSR, UK, France, and China) met prior to the summit.
