Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1898- 1976
Southeast Asia
South Asia
1893- 1976
North America
1894- 1971
June 15, 1965
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research discusses plans for scientific research and development from 1966 through 1970, and Chinese representatives announce their plan to withdraw from the Joint Institute on 1 July, 1965
July 12, 1977
Mostafa K. Tolba reports on China's nuclear policies in anticipation of an upcoming visit by the Secretary-General to China.
September 30, 1965
Chairul Seleh of Indonesia met with Mao and discussed nuclear power, Indonesian economy and industry, Chinese-Indonesian relations, and imperialism.
January 20, 1983
With nuclear proliferation a policy priority for the Jimmy Carter administration, and Pakistan already a special concern, the possibility that China and Pakistan were sharing nuclear weapons-related information began was beginning to worry US government officials. These concerns did not go away during the Reagan administration. While nuclear proliferation was not a top priority, the administration was apprehensive about the implications of the spread of nuclear capabilities and that China may have been aiding and abetting some potential proliferators by selling unsafeguarded nuclear materials.
December 7, 1979
With nuclear proliferation a policy priority for the Jimmy Carter administration, and Pakistan already a special concern, the possibility that China and Pakistan were sharing nuclear weapons-related information began was beginning to worry US government officials. They had no hard evidence--and the soft evidence that concerned them is massively excised in the December 1979 report just as Beijing and Washington were normalizing relations—so the “precise nature and extent of this cooperation is uncertain.”
October 2, 1957
Soviet Ministry of Defense Industry representative, Illarionov, explains to the Chinese delegation the radio technology industry’s role in the construction of rockets and components of the S-75 system.
September 25, 1957
Domrachev and the Chinese representatives discuss an article which states that the USSR will render assistance in the planning and creation of two research institutes in China for rockets and guidance equipment. It is decided that Chinese resources can enable the creation of no more than two institutes. Domrachev outlines the projected costs of the planning and technical documentation of the institutes, as well as the cost of construction materials.
September 23, 1957
Record of four meetings with Chinese defense officials who were seeking Russian assistance in the production of guided missiles in Chinese factories. The discuss Sino-Soviet collaboration in the education and preparation of specialists, the staffing of military research institutes, the construction of defense-related factories, and the sharing of technology. Arrangements for the sale of R-2 and S-75 missiles were also discussed.
September 11, 1957
Minutes from a meeting on Sino-Soviet efforts at defense planning and collaboration. Chinese defense officials looked for Russian help in the production of guided missiles, and the document illustrate their efforts to collaborate in the education and preparation of specialists, the staffing of military research institutes, the construction of defense-related factories, and the sharing of technology.
December 16, 1964
Claude Chayet summarizes the responses at the United Nations to China's proposal for a conference on nuclear disarmament.