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July 29, 1954

Memorandum of Conversation, between Soviet Premier Georgy M. Malenkov and Zhou Enlai

Soviet Premier Georgy M. Malenkov and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai discuss the incidents between China and Taiwan, the US’s support of Taiwan, and the US bloc in the South Pacific. They contemplate various means through which China could prevent further provocations by Taiwan and how to break apart the American bloc. Zhou Enlai also offers suggestions concerning the elections in Korea that would help accomplish Soviet goals for the area.

March 1, 1965

Zhou Enlai Talking to Ho Chi Minh

Zhou Enlai discusses new Soviet Party leadership, a joint statement of support of Vietnam from socialist countries and close observation of Soviet military activities.

March 30, 1965

Excerpt from a Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Algerian President Ben Bella

In Algeria, Enlai describes the unfavorable tactics (military and negotiating) employed by the US in South Vietnam.

April 2, 1965

Excerpt from a Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Pakistani President Ayub Khan

Zhou Enlai addresses African and European concerns relating to the war in South Vietnam. He attempts to answer the questions of: the possibility of the war’s worldwide expansion, China’s role and the possibility of negotiation.

May 16, 1965

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Nguyen Van Hieu and Nguyen Thi Binh

Zhou Enlai addresses Nguyen Van Hieu and Nguyen Thi Binh concerning the steps to take should the US escalate in Vietnam and expand into China, comparing Vietnam to Korea.

January 4, 1955

Minutes of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Soviet Ambassador Pavel Yudin regarding Dag Hammarskjold’s Trip to Beijing

The Soviet ambassador brought to Zhou Enlai a telegram between the United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld and the UN Assistant Secretary-General. The telegram stated that Hammarskjöld was going to visit Beijing for negotiating the release of the US pilots who had served in the Korean War and been captured by the Chinese.

January 22, 1955

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou's Reception of the Indonesian Ambassador Arnold Mononutu

The Indonesian ambassador tells Zhou that the Indonesian government has sent out the letter of invitation inviting China to attend the Asia-African Conference. Indonesia hopes that PRC will send delegation to this conference and that the Chinese premier will visit Indonesia. Zhou Enlai expresses that after the Chinese government receives the official letter of invitation, the government will give official reply.

May 17, 1965

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Ho Chi Minh

Zhou Enlai and Deng Xioaping offer to chastise Soviet revisionists on behalf of North Vietnam

May 28, 1965

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Indonesian Prime Minister Subandrio

Zhou Enlai outlines the Chinese reaction should the US expand the Vietnam War into China, reassuring Subandrio that should the war enter China, his country is prepared to retaliate.

June 4, 1965

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere

Zhou Enlai sees the current US involvement in the Congo as a serious situation, but, on a worldwide scale, Vietnam is much more serious.
