Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1898- 1976
East Asia
Southeast Asia
North America
South Asia
1893- 1976
1906- 2000
1901- 1972
1879- 1953
1922- 2012
September 17, 1970
Pham Van Dong outlines two new diplomatic offensives the NLF is taking against the US. Zhou Enlai proposes sending Chinese representatives to the front to observe the situation in South Vietnam.
March 7, 1971
China and Vietnam’s role in East Asia and the world.
July 13, 1971
Vietnamese tactics against the US during negotiation.
April 12, 1972
Zhou Enlai expresses support for Vietnam in the face of more US bombing.
July 12, 1972
Zhou Enlai advises Le Duc Tho on negotiations with the US, particularly the issue of Nguyen Van Thieu.
December 31, 1972
Zhou Enlai pushes for negotiations.
January 3, 1973
Zhou Enlai encourages Vietnam’s negotiations with the US.
January 24, 1973
Zhou Enlai ensures no outside interference in the countries of Cambodia and Laos.
February 2, 1973
Zhou Enlai reads a statement from Mao Zedong expressing approval of the US withdrawal.
June 5, 1973
The role of China and Vietnam in the Cambodian revolution; also a discussion on the current situation in South Vietnam.