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July 17, 1954

Minutes of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Anthony Eden

Eden assures Zhou that the US has no intention of establishing military bases in Indochina, and that although it has not been suggested that Cambodia and Laos join the Southeast Asian Pact, such an agreement would not threaten China. Zhou expresses concern over the pact, and suggests another model for peace in Indochina. The two debate over these issues.

July 13, 1954

Minutes of Zhou Enlai’s Meeting with Jean Chauvel

Chauvel presents Zhou with a draft agreement for a cease-fire in Indochina. Chauvel notes that the issue of armed forces limitation should be discussed by the entire conference, and that the draft has been handed out to all the delegations for suggested additions and corrections.

June 28, 1954

Record of the First Meeting between Premier Zhou and Prime Minister U Nu

Zhou Enlai and U Nu first talked about the decision made on the Geneva Conference regarding the armistice in the Korean Peninsula and the role of the US in it. Then they talked about the elements that complicated the Sino-Burmese relations and the need for building mutual trust and signing a non-political agreement. They also discussed the principles they would have in a joint statement before the signing of this potential agreement.

April 20, 1965

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to China S. V. Chervonenko and Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai on 13 April 1965 (excerpt)

Zhou Enlai, in a conversation with Soviet Ambassador to the PRC, S. V. Chervonenko, draws parallels between the Algerian War for independence and the struggle of the Vietnamese people. Zhou Enlai recounts his conversation with Algerian leader Ben Bella about the Vietnam War.

April 11, 1967

Summary of Zhou Enlai's Talk with Pham Van Dong and Vo Nguyen Giap

Zhou Enlai warns the Vietnamese delegation not to bend to Soviet demands.

April 10, 1967

Summary of Zhou Enlai's Talk with Pham Van Dong and Vo Nguyen Giap

Excerpt from the talk in which Zhou Enlai offers encouragement and advice concerning the Vietnam War

October 5, 1966

Summary of Zhou Enlai's Talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, in Beijing

Excerpt from the talk in which Zhou Enlai explains that China remains opposed to peace negotiations to end the Vietnam War.

June 20, 1971

Conversation of Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu and Cde. Zhou Enlai at the Embassy

Notes regarding the conversation of Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu and Cde. Zhou Enlai at the dinner organized by the [Romanian] embassy in honor of the Chinese leadership.

February 16, 1957

Premier Zhou Enlai Receives Pakistani Ambassador Ahmed, and Accepts Letter From Pakistani Premier Suhrawady Explaining the Kashmir Issue

Zhou Enlai and Pakistani Ambassador Ahmed discuss the Indian-Pakistani dispute over Kashmir, the likelihood of a military conflict in the region, and the possibility that such a conflict could be used by the United States to its advantage.

September 5, 1962

Pakistani Ambassador Raza Pays Formal Visit to Chinese Premier Zhou

Zhou Enlai and Pakistani Ambassador Raza discuss Chinese and Pakistani relations with India, especially Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's positions on Kashmir, Sino-Indian border disputes, and Sino-Indian interactions on Taiwan and Tibet.
