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December 26, 1962

Record of Conversation Between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Mongolian Leader J. Zedenbal

Record of conversation between Zhou Enlai and J. Zedebal largely focused on the Sino-Indian border dispute

March 9, 1961

Information Memorandum, Zhou Enlai's Comments

Zhou Enlai informed the titulars and charges d'affaires of the socialist countries about Chinese internal situation and the state of affairs created after the 9th Plenum. He appealed that socialist countries should have faith in the socialist structure and not allow the temporary difficulties to give rise to misunderstandings.


Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Le Duan

Zhou Enlai agrees with Vietnam on the terms of total US withdrawal and exposing Nixon’s deceptive personality

June 22, 1954

Minutes, Zhou Enlai’s Meeting with Jean Chauvel

Chauvel confirms a meeting for Zhou with the French Prime Minister, and suggests that both countries announce the meeting at the same time to thwart distorted media coverage of the two countries. The two agree that the conference must continue. Also, Chauvel hands Zhou a proposal for a special committee to decide the composition of the supervisory committee.

June 23, 1954

Record of Conversation between Zhou Enlai and Pierre Mendès-France

Mendes-France and Zhou discuss the Indochina issue during their first meeting together. Both men feel they are in agreement with each other regarding several points (establishing a cease-fire before discussing political issues, that no US military bases should be established in Indochina, elections in Cambodia and Laos, cooperation between France and Vietnam and between the two sides in Vietnam). They end on a positive note, both certain that their few differences of opinion will be worked out.

May 7, 1968

Zhou Enlai’s talk with Xuan Thuy, Director of the International Liaison Department of the Vietnam Workers Party, in Beijing

Zhou Enlai advises Xuan Thuy concerning the negotiations with the US, Enlai draws some parallels between Korea and Vietnam

April 20, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, Comrade Abdyl Kellezi with Comrade Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai expressed China's opinions on the result of the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Pact, China's support of the principles of Marxism-Leninism in several Soviet-Albanian conflicts. They also discussed issues of economic and military assistance.

April 10, 1967

Discussion between Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong address the issue of problematic Chinese Red Guard.

August 14, 1966

Note from the Conversation between Ambassador Jerzy Knothe and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai during the ambassador’s farewell visit, August 14, 1966

Ambassador Jerzy Knothe and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai discuss ongoing Chinese class struggles.
