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April 20, 1960

Record of the Talks between PM [Jawaharlal Nehru] and Premier Chou [Zhou Enlai] held on 20th April, 1960, from 5 p.m. 7 p.m. at the Prime Minister's Residence

Record of conversation between Indian PM Nehru and Chinese Premier Zhou explaining their own nation's rights over the contested border area. They disagree with each other on the basic facts.

April 20, 1960

Record of Conversation between Jawaharlal Nehru and Zhou Enlai

Record of conversation between Nehru and Zhou discussing the Sino-Indian border dispute and recent situation in Tibet. Two leaders exchanged their views on the issues.

April 22, 1960

Record of Talks between P.M. [Jawaharlal Nehru] and Premier Chou En Lai [Zhou Enlai] held on 22nd April, 1960 from 10 A.M. to 1.10 P.M.

Record of conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Jawaharlal Nehru discussing the dispute on Sino-Indian border. Zhou stated his views on historical facts, common ground and proposals.

November 15, 1973

Cablegram from Australian Embassy Peking, 'PM's Visit - Discussions with Chou En-Lai'

Cable from Australian Embassy in Beijing to Australian Foreign Ministry reporting the meeting with Zhou regarding Zhou's concern on overseas Chinese and relations with Southeast nations.

November 4, 1973

Cablegram from the Australian Embassy Peking, 'Prime Minister's Discussions with Premier Chou En-Lai'

Cable from Australian Embassy in Beijing to Australian Foreign Ministry reporting Prime Minister's meeting with Zhou Enlai and indicating China's framework of foreign policy in Asia-Pacific.

November 4, 1973

Prime Minister's Discussions with Premier Zhou Enlai, 31 October-3 November 1973, Summary

Zhou Enlai and E.G. Whitlam discuss Sino-Australian relations, the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Indo-Pak conflict, Great Power relations, Taiwan's international status, and other issues.

October 31, 1973

Record of Conversation with Premier Zhou Enlai and Prime Minister E.G. Whitlam

Australian Prime Minister Whitlam offers Zhou Enlai an overview of his country's foreign policy interests. Analyzing the international relations among key nations in East and Southeast Asia.

June 3, 1963

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai’s Reception of Ambassador to Cambodia Sisowath Sirik Matak

Zhou and Sirik Matak discuss the treatement Chinese doctors offered to Queen Sisowath Kossamak, Chinese economic aid to Cambodia, and civil disturbances in Cambodia.

January 5, 1961

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and General Ne Win

Zhou and Ne Win discuss developments in Laos and Thailand.

April 16, 1960

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou's Calling on Chief of Staff Ne Win

Zhou and Ne Win discuss bilateral relations, politics in Burma, the presence of the Kuomintang armed forces in Burma, and relations with India and Nepal.
