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July 1, 2001

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, 'Fact Sheet: Middle East Peace Process Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group'

A Department of State summary of of the Arms Control and Regional Security Working Group, released during the George W. Bush administration.

October 21, 1976

Notice from Hanne Boye, Dept. for Protocol, to Ole Bierring, Secretary General, 'North Korean Embassy in Sweden'

A summary of a meeting between the Danish ambassador in Sweden and the Swedish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs concerning the North Korean smuggling affair.

October 20, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Copenhagen to the Secretary of State, '"Diplomatic Gang" Seen Active in All of Scandinavia'

This cable summarizes Danish media coverage of illegal North Korean smuggling in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. It focuses especially on press theories about the way in which the North Korean Embassies used illicitly gained funds.

October 28, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Oslo to the Secretary of State, 'Media Report - North Korean Expulsions'

This cable reproduces a Norwegian Daily Aftenposten report on a meeting between the North Korean, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish Ambassadors in Peking, China. It focuses especially on North Korean desires to maintain relationships with the Nordic countries.

October 16, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Copenhagen to the Secretary of State, 'Continued Press Attention to North Korean "Hash" Diplomats"'

This cable discusses Danish press coverage of the North Korean diplomats who were expelled from the four Scandinavian countries for trafficking in cigarettes, liquor and drugs. It also reports on press coverage of the diplomats sent to Denmark to replace those who were expelled.

October 19, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Copenhagen to the Secretary of State, 'North Koreans Described as "Diplomatic Gang" in Danish Press'

This cable describes North Korean Diplomats' illegal cigarette and liquor trafficking in Norway and speculates on the possibility that the trafficking reflects official North Korean policy and a means to finance the country's propaganda efforts.

October 19, 1976

The President's Daily Brief, October 19, 1976

The CIA reports that Norway and Denmark have expelled North Korean diplomats for smuggling alcohol and tobacco.


Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm (New York: American-Korean Friendship and Information Center, 1976)

The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.

November 8, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

An intelligence report on the activities concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis, including those of the Soviet Union, Cuba and Eastern Europe states. This weekly report also includes an account of the important events/activities from this particular week. The report also analyzes several photo-reconnaissance missions.

November 15, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

This weekly report from the Danish Defense Intelligence Service provides an account of the important events/activities from the past week listed by each day. It also includes the following summary: "Since the Soviet Union and the United States at the current moment have reached on an agreement about the inspection of the transports to Cuba, two issues are left unsolved, that is, the issue of an inspection on Cuba itself and the removal of the IL-28 planes. With regards to the inspection on Cuban territory, it seems like the negotiation efforts of Mikoyan have been in vain. And as for the removal of the Soviet planes, Moscow has expressed itself very negatively, since the planes now are regarded as Cuban property."
