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September 1959

The Japanese Side’s Response following the Publication of the Communique of the Talks between Premier Zhou Enlai and Ishibashi Tanzan

While the Social Democratic Party of Japan supported the Communique of the Talks between Ishibashi Tanzan and Zhou Enlai, the Liberal Democratic Party criticized it by saying "it provides no solution for current Sino-Japanese relations."

November 2, 1970

Kim Il Sung, 'Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Fifth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea'

Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.

December 1, 1955

Political Report, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to the Office of the President

Report on followings: Japanese politics and UN membership issues

November 24, 1955

Political Report, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to Office of the President

Report on followings: Japanese politics and issue on reparations of Japanese in DPRK

November 24, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Report on unified conservative party, US interest in Sea-Laver issue, trade with Japan

November 17, 1955

Letter, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to the President

Request of information on the accomplishment of Liberal and Democratic merger, find out the intention of Italy regarding consuls, and information regarding Iceland pamphlet on fishery line

November 17, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Inauguration of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and other Japanese political news

November 10, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Report on conservative merger, Japanese reparation through Red Cross, restriction by US on Red China

November 3, 1955

Political Report, Minister Yong Shik Kim [Kim Yong-shik] to the Office of the President

Report on followings: Conservative merger, Repatriation of Japanese in DPRK, US Naval aircraft repair program

November 3, 1955

Letter, Kim Yong-shik of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

On the issues and conflicts regarding conservative merger in Japan; Japanese economic growth
