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October 16, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Copenhagen to the Secretary of State, 'Continued Press Attention to North Korean "Hash" Diplomats"'

This cable discusses Danish press coverage of the North Korean diplomats who were expelled from the four Scandinavian countries for trafficking in cigarettes, liquor and drugs. It also reports on press coverage of the diplomats sent to Denmark to replace those who were expelled.

October 19, 1976

Cable, US Embassy Copenhagen to the Secretary of State, 'North Koreans Described as "Diplomatic Gang" in Danish Press'

This cable describes North Korean Diplomats' illegal cigarette and liquor trafficking in Norway and speculates on the possibility that the trafficking reflects official North Korean policy and a means to finance the country's propaganda efforts.

October 30, 1976

The President's Daily Brief, October 30, 1976

A summary of the North Korean smuggling scandal in Scandinavia produced by the US intelligence community.

October 19, 1976

The President's Daily Brief, October 19, 1976

The CIA reports that Norway and Denmark have expelled North Korean diplomats for smuggling alcohol and tobacco.

October 21, 1976

Chairman of the Central Information Group to the Deputy Minister

Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland expelled all embassy workers from DPRK, accusing them of smuggling weapons, alcohol and cigarettes.The Chairman of the Central Information Group (Zentrale Auswertungs- und Informationsgruppe) of the GDR requests the Deputy Minister check all Korean embassy workers, including diplomats and their relative, and to keep them under careful surveillance.

June 6, 1946

Record of the Conversation of Comrade I.V. Stalin with Rasmussen, Denmark Minster of Foreign Affairs, and Prince Axel, Chief of the [Danish] Trade Delegation

Stalin, Rasmussen, and Axel discuss the development of Soviet Danish relations. Topics include economic and political exchanges.
