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September 15, 1956

Decision of the KWP CC Plenum, 30-31 August 1956, 'The Results of the Work of the Government Delegation which Visited Fraternal Countries, and Some Pressing Tasks of Our Party'

The resolution discusses economic growth in North Korea and the promises of fraternal aid, while warning of the dangers of factionalism to the preservation of Marxism-Leninism.

January 20, 1980

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 12, 1980, 057016, Secret

A description of North Korea's economic and industrial growth and its viewpoint on the assassination of South Korean President Park Chung Hee.

June 4, 1956

Record of a conversation with DPRK Ambassador to East Germany Pak Gil-ryong by S. Filatov for 4 June 1956

DPRK Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic Pak Gil-ryong speaks to Filatov about Nam Il’s report on the 3rd KWP Congress. Pak also reports that Kim Il Sung is dismissive of foreign criticism of the over emphasis on heavy industry in the DPRK and is planning to implement an ambitious five-year plan.

April 16, 1956

Report from B. Vereshchagin to the CPSU CC, 'The Korean Armistice Agreement and talks on the Korean question'

Report that provides an overview of the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement. It describes the role of neutral states in monitoring the armistice conditions and lists the steps that the DPRK government has been taking so far to achieve peaceful reunification on the peninsula.

April 17, 1956

Memo from K. Koval to the CPSU CC, on Soviet provision of industrial equipment to the DPRK

Table that shows the timeframes, volumes, and fulfillment of Soviet equipment obligations to the DPRK.

April 1956

Memo from K. Koval to the CPSU CC, on Soviet provision of postwar aid to the DPRK

Describes in detail the progress made as of January 1956 on the DPRK-USSR agreement that the USSR provide postwar aid from 1953 to 1957. Also lists free aid provided by China and other socialist states.

April 1956

Memo from K. Koval to the CPSU CC, 'Concerning the main issues of the economic situation of the DPRK'

Report that highlights the success of North Korea’s Three-Year Plan after an economically devastating war.

April 14, 1956

Report from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs to A. A. Okhotin, 'Some Issues of the Domestic Political Situation in the DPRK'

A Soviet report that describes successful economic management in the postwar period in North Korea. The report also explains that the KWP CC still needs to work on improving some areas, particularly those concerning production cooperatives and the rural peasantry.

January 19, 1956

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK V. I. Ivanov for 19 January 1956

On behalf of the North Korean government, Nam Il requests Ivanov and Deputy Trade Representative that the USSR supply more material aid to ore mining enterprises in the DPRK.

January 13, 1956

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK V. I. Ivanov for 13 January 1956

Ivanov delivers to Kim Il Sung a status report on the Soviet Embassy’s work to grant Korean citizenship to Soviet Koreans. Kim hopes that allowing Soviet Koreans to travel to and from the USSR can be used as a means to strengthen the two countries’ ties.
