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September 10, 1964

Note on a Conversation by Tarka, Jurgas and Milc at the Soviet Embassy in Hanoi [Excerpts]

A conversation between three Polish delegates in Hanoi, where they discuss American activities in and attitudes toward Vietnam. They note that the Soviets are not as optimistic about the military situation in Southeast Asia as the Poles.

November 10, 1971

Letter, Ozbudun to Narasimhan, "ROK Troop Withdrawal from Viet-Nam"

The ROK government announces their Vietnam troop wtihdrawal plans. Ozbudun believes the plan is connected to the PRC's entry into the UN.

July 28, 1979

Transcript, Meeting of East German leader Erich Honecker and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, Crimea, 27 July 1979 (excerpt)

Brezhnev reports to Honecker on international affairs.

July 25, 1978

Transcript, Meeting of East German leader Erich Honecker and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, Crimea, 25 July 1978 (excerpt)

Brezhnev and Honecker discuss the tense status of Soviet-American relations and the current situations in China and Southeast Asia.

September 10, 1958

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Ho Chi Minh

Mao informs Ho Chi Minh that he should not be concerned by the Chinese bombardment of Jinmen Island, as "the Americans are afraid of fighting a war."

April 2, 1969

Telegram to East German Foreign Ministry from Ambassador to China

East German Ambassador Oskar Fischer reports on Soviet attempts to meet with Mao or Zhou Enlai about the on-going Sino-Soviet border dispute.

May 31, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai's Reception of Ambassador R.K. Nehru

Premier Zhou Enlai and Ambassador Nehru discuss the Korean ceasefire, the role of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Committee, the Sino-American ambassadorial talks, and the situation in Indochina.

May 27, 1965

On the Development of Situation in DPRK in May 1965: Political Report No. 8

Czechoslovakian ambassador to DPRK mentioned on foreign relationship with DPRK and domestic political situations.

July 16, 1973

On the Visit of a PRP Party and Parliamentary Delegation to the DPRK

The East German Embassy in Warsaw reports on the improvement in relations between North Korea and China after the Cultural Revolution.

November 20, 1986

Record of Conversation between Comrade J. Batmunkh and Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung and Jambyn Batmunkh discuss North Korea and Mongolia's relationships with China and the Soviet Union, among other issues.
